A Grizzly Situation! VS Grizzly Man!

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Nature Preserve - 1:00 pm


 Bass had taken off the second Dr. Light so much as hinted at him being well enough to go out (his exact words were: "Now, you be sure to wait for Mega Man...") Mega Man? Bah. From Bass' point of view, he was perfectly capable of putting holes in things without the so-called help of that baby blue boy scout. How stupid did they think he was?

Before the robot was a dense jungle alive with plant life, both organic and not. Monkey-like enemies cared enough to greet him from the forest's shadows with explosive coconuts while toucans would dive from their nests in the artificial canopies above to spit out seed-like projectiles at him. It was not fun.

Even less so were the boulders that would chase him throughout certain sections of the forest. He'd have to hide like a coward in somewhat conveniently placed inlets to avoid being crushed like a tin can.

Stupid indestructible boulders.

Swinging across some vines and cables made to look like vines, he came to a beehive tucked away in an oversized log. He had endeavored to scout around for locations that would give him a way to go around the beehive without tipping off the inevitable. Very unfortunately for Dr. Wily's rather arrogant progeny, all of his dashing around only wound up waking up the contents of the hive. It turned out not to be a swarm of bees, but one giant bee. The thing buzzed, turning angry eyes on the one who awakened him.

"That's a big bee..." Bass stammered, more afraid than he was willing to admit. He then shook his head in frustration. What, was he stupid? Even that Mega-Brat wouldn't be afraid of an insect. He would probably take off his wings with a couple charged shots.

What the? Since when did he care about what that blue bucket of bolts did or didn't do? Apparently, not only did he have to be saved twice over by his arch enemy, he had become so desperate that he was pilfering from his strategies, too. For a split second, Bass wondered if his creator had been right to keep trying to reprogram him every time he failed in the past...

In any case, he got to work, skillfully dodging the stingers that his enemy launched his way. It then swooped down to grab him with its humanlike arms. After dipping under this a few times, Bass realized he could use it to his advantage. The next time around, he slipped a Soldier C4 projectile on the bee's underbelly. The delayed explosion took the avian bug by surprise, sending him down like a shot-down plane.

After getting through that, and tearing apart a couple of cannons disguised as trees, he fell down into an alcove.

It seemed empty... Not a chance.

Sure enough, red eyes poked out from the nearby shrubbery, drawing his fire.

The enemy shot up in fright, still obscured partly by darkness.

A coward, Bass thought. How annoying.

He shot at the enemy again, being sure to follow the red eyes.

"Leave me alone!" It was the cry of a scared child, and not the deadly predator that Bass was expecting, by a long shot.

"Come out and face me," the special robot shouted, trying not to show how befuddled he was at this. He was used to hostility (unless it was Mega Man) from his enemies. Not getting that made him feel... weird.

The creature came out hesitantly into the dim light of the alcove. It was a robot resembling a teddy bear. A peach bare spot adorned its belly, with the rest of its body colored bright pink. It had tiny fangs that poked out of its mouth, one for each side. In most other contexts, it would be downright adorable. The only remotely threatening things regarding this robot was its piercing red eyes and the serrated, brutal looking claws sprouting from its arms.

"You're Bass," the male Robot Master said, sounding still like a child, though now more curious than scared.

"Yeah. What of it?" Bass asked, watching those claws intently for even the smallest movement.

"You're... You're an enemy of Master Wily."

The black and purple robot looked at him as if he'd grown a second head. "What're you talking about? Dr. Wily made me!"

The bear shook his head. "No. I mean the real Dr. Wily, not that fake old man!"

"Excuse me?"

He continued to talk as if he'd not heard him. "He is the real ruler of the world. He already promised to give me a country in the new world order."


Now he smiled, speaking as if he was talking about a future trip to an amusement park. "Dr. Wily's gonna make all the people in the world bow down to him, and we're gonna live forever as his governors in the Wily Age. We'll only have to bow down to him, and all opposition to him will be destroyed without mercy. Won't it be great?"

For a split second, Bass actually considered this. Then he thought about it more deeply.

"Nope. No one tells me what to do."

"Are you sure?"

"Sure as I'm standing here."

"Okay." His face lost its smile, but his tone was nonchalant. "Then I'll go ahead and rip you to pieces now."

Bass tensed, and found himself face to face with claws before he could blink. Holding them back, Bass placed a kick at his opponent's open midsection. The bear clambered back, managing to swing a kick Bass's way, but missing.

Bass aimed a volley of shots at the bear, but he found that he'd disappeared.

Now, where was he?

He found out too late that he had dug under him, as he caught a savage slash that was enough to send the evil robot flying.

Bass quickly recovered, pointing his Buster down and hitting the bear, apparently catching him off guard.

The bear wasn't fazed for long. He roared defiantly. "I, Grizzly Man, shall destroy you!"

He hardly got any time to digest this new information before he got a surprise. Laser fire, emitted from Grizzly Man's eyes, hit him full force in the chest.

Downed, he flipped up on his feet and took off dashing, messing with the bear's aim as he dodged countless slashes and shots.

"How about this?" Bass switched weapons and shot a Soldier C4 bomb at Grizzly Man's face. It stuck, and while his foe tried to get it off, he seized his opportunity and sprayed him with Cheese Whiz.

Coated with cheese and burned by his being firebombed, Grizzly Man lashed out in anger and pain.

"You big meanie!"

Desperate slashes missed their mark as the bear continued to throw his tantrum. Bass, meanwhile, had had about all he could take of this. He took one opening to hit his opponent with the barrel of his Buster before leaving him with one last one-liner before blowing him to bits.

"Say goodbye, you glorified Care Bear!"

Bass took the part for himself and his arch nemesis and teleported out of the area, though he couldn't get his mind off of one question the bear had left him: Who was this "real Dr. Wily"?

Weapon Get: Grizzly Slash (Creates a damaging slash arcing in front of the user.)

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