Ten-Hut! VS. Soldier Man!

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Abandoned Military Training Facility: 10:00 AM


Mega Man touched down in the midst of a heavy storm drenching what looked like a 19XX-style military base. He had to wonder what any robot would want in a place like this. He did know two things, however: he had to find Bass, and he had to put an end to this... whatever it was.

As if to answer at least one of his questions, an ancient-looking intercom situated high above him squeaked, getting his attention.

If it isn't Private Rock Light, or should I say, Mega Man... "

If he was able to, the Blue Bomber would've gone pale at that remark. Very few people knew of his identity beyond his Mega Man persona. Just the fact that this person did was pretty frightening in and of itself. Of course, the real reason why no one asked of his "secret" identity was because no one (outside of certain government agencies) actually cared to.

As if the voice coming from the microphone could see Rock's face at that very moment, it continued: "It is a soldier's duty to do recon on his targets. you are a fighting robot, Private. You should know this."

This subject always irritated him. He was a peacekeeping robot! He changed the subject. He just had to.

"Where's Bass?"

A momentary pause. "Oh, you mean Albert's little toy. He's already taken off, the rebellious little twerp. He's already going through the obstacle course I sent him on. I gave him 15 minutes, or which there are only five now..."

"What?!" Mega Man exclaimed. "What happens after that?"

"We are on a military base, Blue. I'll leave that to your imagination. I would get going if I were you..."


About two minutes later...

After around 120 seconds of scrambling over and through all manner of military-style obstacles, from spiked tire traps, to a landmine death run, to a spiked wall that chased him quite a long way, he finally managed to catch up with the rogue robot. He found himself at the mouth of a cave.

Bass glanced at him disdainfully. "Hmph. It's about time. What took you so long?"

"I've... I've been looking all over for you..."

The purple and black robot ignored the tiring robot and walked in, not knowing that he was heading toward a landmine.

Mega Man realized this, however, and quickly diving at him, he knocked him out of the way of the explosion!

"Get off me!" The evil robot growled, kicking Mega Man in the head on his way to his feet.

"If I were you, I would be thanking him."

It was the same voice from earlier, this time echoing off of the walls of the cavern. "He just bought you a few more minutes in one piece!"

The cave went completely dark as a blockage closed off the two's only exit. Both robots held their Busters up and tightly, trying to hone in on an enemy that they couldn't even see. Both of them were scared, for that matter, though Bass would never dare to admit that.

"Regardless, it will all be over soon. I, Soldier Man, will see to that. Prepare!"

Sounds of fire rent the air as the adversary fired at the disoriented duo that they were hard-pressed to dodge.

The voice continued taunting. "There. You awake?"

Bass growled hatefully at his unseen enemy. "Get out here, coward! Face me!"

"Negative. I will do no such thing. I will, however, be taking pot shots at you two until you're dead. That's what's going to happen."

A shot from the dark hit Mega Man in the arm and sent him reeling. Bass sent a volley of shots from where they had come from, briefly lighting the pace up, but nothing more.

A beeping sound echoed across the cavern. As he was struggling to aim one of his shots, Mega Man accidentally tripped one of the landmines, sending him flying in a plume of fire.

Bass ignored him for the moment and used the added light to get a look at his surroundings, and a few shots in at a visible and vulnerable Soldier Man. He looked like the spitting image of an old-style soldiers, complete with camouflaged military fatigues and a helmet and night vision goggles.

"Not bad," the enemy admitted. "Guess I'll just have to switch tactics then."

He finally got around to pulling the smoking body of his nemesis off the ground.

Mega Man smiled rather weakly. "A bit late."

At a loss for words ( for once) as to what to say to this, Bass shook his head in frustration. "G-Go. Get going! We've got this clown's butt to kick!"

Both robots' expressions once again turned fierce as the burning rubble and smoke provided the only light in the room around them.

A barely visible blur passed the duo. They shot at and hit air. Then, another passed, with the same result. Then...

Bass suddenly found himself struggling under Soldier Man's weight as the adversary held him at gunpoint with his own arm cannon. As the cannon lit up for the fatal blast, Mega Man, in one swift movement, shoved Soldier Man off of him and blasted the foe to smithereens.

"I almost had him," the evil robot mumbled as he got up.

"Sure. Sure," was the hero's nonchalant reply as he picked up a piece of the robot with which to get his power from.

"I'm serious."

"I know. I know..."

Bass teleported out of the smoldering cave just before Mega Man, both of them leaving it behind for good.


Weapon Get - Soldier C4 (Sticks to enemies and obstacles and explodes upon manual ignition or after several seconds)

Mega Man and Bass: Frenemy MineWhere stories live. Discover now