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1) on a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the quality of the character cast? Did they seem realistic, life like and/or relatable?

2) on a scale of 1-10, how good or bad was the story telling? Did you want to keep turning pages or just stop to relieve a headache?

3) 1-10, how would you rate the concept of the game, Ember Wind? Does it feel like a real MMORPG?

4) 1-10, how was the pacing of the book? Does it need to be sped up or slow down? Did the fight scenes flow appropriately?

5) 1-10, how was the combat. Did the hits and reactions seem real? Was it entertaining to read?

6) 1-10, how was the scenery? Could you see the environment in your head? Was full immersion possible?

7) 1-10, How the choice in Opening and Closing Theme songs? Did it feel connected to the story?

8) do you have any suggestions for me to add or revise for my next book? And plot ideas or things you want to see?

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