11: Feel Something

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Zonarus's hand intertwined with mine. It startled me but I let him. It is a gesture to show that he is here with me or he probably noticed that I was digging my nails into my palm. Either way, it was comforting. My thoughts trailed as people in the room got into a heated discussion. I thought back to a promise I made years ago.

"Mico talk to me," I pleaded. The past few days she had been acting differently. She barely left her room unless it was to train. Even then, she seemed distracted. Mico was a crucial part of the plan to win the war. To put it in simple words she was aloof. When I proposed the plan to her, she was eager and ready to contribute. I was relieved because she was the only one, I trusted enough with this. Perhaps I asked for too much.

She didn't respond, instead, her eyes were glued to the horizon. Mico's curls fell on her shoulder in a care-free manner contrasting the atmosphere around us. Her face was bare from any makeup, something that was unusual for her.

"I may have just recently become the Beta but I am in a position to help you. Tell me how I can help. Anything you want it's yours," I took her hand in mine, urging her to look at me. I wanted her to know how I felt about her and how serious I was about doing anything for her.

I waited with anticipation as I wondered what could have gone so horribly wrong for her to act this way. "I am sorry for worrying you," she croaked and finally looked at me.

Mico had been crying. There was something bothering her deeply but here she was, apologizing to me instead. "Listen you don't have to-"

"You know what I love the most about you, Violet?" I shook my head not trusting myself to speak and she continued, "you are very caring. But sometimes you help people at the expense of your own happiness."

"I can't be happy when you are in pain," I told her truthfully.

She chuckled and smiled at me. Her eyes were filled with emotions. "Can you promise me something?"

"Yes," I agreed without even asking her what she meant. Honestly, it didn't matter. As long as I can help make her happy again, I didn't care.

Mico laughed, but the happiness didn't seem to be genuine, "you shouldn't be so quick to give your heart to anyone."

"That won't be a problem because my heart belongs to you," I tried to ease the situation and by default, I ended up being flirtatious.

"Perhaps it is now, but someday when your soulmate comes along you will have to choose them."

I was tempted to correct her. I wanted to tell her that I would never have a soulmate, but her eyes pleaded me to listen to her, so I let her continue.

Mico took my hand and pulled it closer to her, "promise me that you will never reject your mate as mine rejected me." The tears rolled down her eyes and I finally understood why she was in pain. Her soulmate had rejected their bond. I moved to pull her into a hug and let her cry.

"I promise," I mumbled, knowing that it would be an easy promise to keep. You can't reject someone you will never have. She hugged me back and we sat there without saying anything, just enjoying the presence of each other. A selfish thought crossed my mind, now perhaps, Mico and I can be destined together.

Anger rose through me when I remembered about Mico's disappearance. She was supposed to go on a simple work trip. It was going to take a couple of days and the work was related to our pack matters. She never reached her destination. I was informed about the situation long after my brother got the news. Matteo told me that he kept it from me because he knew I would react horribly to it. He was correct in many ways. One being that I forgave Zonarus for his lack of aid during the situation, but I still disliked him for being the selfish prick he became. And to think that before that incident, he and I were close allies.

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