Anything But A Little Girl

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Chapter 4

Derek and I were tracking the Alpha. It was also three in the freaking morning which was beautiful.

 Derek climbed up on a roof with me close behind him. We heard growling then a gun shot. I looked up scanning for anything listening to see if another gun shot would follow.

 Derek found some blood. I looked at it. I heard a distant growl. I looked up and saw the Alpha scaling the building. I growled. 

I sprinted after it climbing up the building, leaving Derek. "Anna, slow down!" Derek calls. 

I ignored him and kept running. I stopped for a second to see where the Alpha was. I turned my head. I saw him I growled again and ran after him. I didn't know there was a gun aimed at me. 

"Anna move!" Derek yells. I looked back at him he shoved me and then he got shot. He rolled and fell off the roof. 

I looked for the Alpha but I lost him. I climbed down to Derek, "You idiot let me get shot, don't save my ass." I growl. 

He groans but pushes himself up. He rolls up his shirt sleeve and the wound is smoking. Wolfsbane.


The next day at school, I technically skipped it, but unlike most 15 year old girls I didn't go get ice cream, I was helping my brother who was slowly getting worse down the school hallway. Derek trudges through the hall with me next to him. 

We're looking for Scott since he is so close with Argent's daughter. Which why I have to control the urge to hit him with a hammer. Repeatedly.

 We look around and people keep bumping into Derek. Okay idiots do you not notice there is someone walking. I look over and I see Jackson putting stuff in his locker. I roll my eyes this is gonna  fun.

 I march over to him. "Jackson, where's Scott?" I demand.

 "Why should I tell you, little girl?" I give him a sarcastic smile. 

"Because I asked politely and trust me I only do that once, not tell me where he is before I slap you."

 Jackson gives me a sarcastic smile. "Okay, there little girl, well why don't you tell me what you and your body guard back there is selling him? What is it Dianabol? Hmm? HGH?"

 I give him an annoyed look. "Steroids?" I ask in disbelief. 

"No girl Scout cookies and whatever you're selling, I'd tell him to stop sampling the merchandise. He looks wrecked."

 I look back at Derek, we don't have time for this. "Well, he didn't feel like doing his hair this morning, sorry to disappoint you." So I made a judgment call. I grabbed Jackson by his collar and slammed him into the locker. He groaned. "Like I said, I only ask nicely once, so if you want to not get your ass kicked by a 'little girl' I suggest you tell me what I want to know." I snap.

"I don't know where Scott is." Jackson answers looking freaked out by my outburst.

 "Guess who just became completely useless?" I let go of him. 

Derek and I start to walk away when Jackson goes to grab me. I hear a slamming and I see Derek slammed him into the locker with his claws in his neck. He pulls his claws out and we start walking away. "That's gonna leave a mark." I point out to Derek. 

"I'm aware of that, thank you." He replies in an annoyed tone. Well someone is pissed off. 

"You know just because you got shot does not give you the right to be PMSing." 

"Anna, shut up."

 "Whatever boss."

 Derek leans against a wall to rest for a minute. 

"What are you doing? We have to find him." I point out.

 "Shut up, I'm trying to hear something." Derek snaps.

 "You know you're an ass when you're sick." I mutter sarcastically.

 He gives me a death glare. God he needs to get laid and some ice cream like today. Can't joke with the man ever. I'm worried too I just thought I could ease the tension. He has to much tension. He just needs to get laid and that's that. The bell rings and Derek covers his ears. That wasn't suppose to bother him, that's a bit concerning. I bit my lip and I put his arm over my shoulder and we walked out to the parking lot. Where the hell is Scott? 

We see Stiles' jeep. He's pulling out when Derek and I march right in front of the Jeep holding out his hand. Okay, even if you're a werewolf you should not be walking in front of moving cars, did Derek suddenly get super powers to stop cars with his mind? Stiles slammed on the brakes and hitting the horn. Derek started going down and he took me with him. He ways like 160 and I weigh 115 that's a big difference. I help Derek sit up. "What the hell is he doing here?" Scott asks me. I give him a pointed look. "He was shot." Stiles got out of the jeep and horns were honking like crazy we got it already people. You want to leave we freaking get it. "He's not looking so good, dude." Stiles says. I give him a look. "Thank you Captain Obvious." I say with a death glare. "Why aren't you healing?" Scott asks Derek. "I can't. It was a different kind of bullet." Derek says while breathing heavily. This is getting bad really fast. "A silver bullet?" Stiles asks excitedly. I give him a look. "How big of a idiot are you?" I ask. "Wait. That's what she meant when she said you had 48 hours." Scott says. "What? Who said 48 hours?" Derek asks. "The one who shot you." Scott replies. Derek digs his nails into my arm and groans. He didn't mean too, but he was still holding onto me. His eyes glow and his head goes back. "What are you doing? Stop that." I glare at Scott. "He can't!" I whisper shout. "Derek get up." Scott says.

"Help me get him in the car." I say to Scott. Scott and I drag Derek and put him in the car. I get in the back. "I need you to find out what kind of bullet they used." Derek says. "How the hell am I suppose to do that?" Scott demands. "She's an Argent. She's with them." I growl. "Why should I help you?" Scott asks. "Because you need me." Derek says. "Fine, I'll try. Get them out of here." Stiles gets in. "I hate you for this so much." Derek's head goes back against the seat. He's getting a lot worse. We drive off. Scott better not screw this up.

Hey guys so, what do you think? I will post more tomorrow. But I would like to ask you guys who do you want Anna's love intrest to be the choices are




For Issac or Stiles there would be some gradual flirting but wouln't offically get together until season 2. 

Scott wouldn't be until 3a

So let me know what you guys think

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