Chapter 23: Betrayed

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Jungkook's POV

"King Jeon." I turned around and saw the advisers.

"Your Majesty, we have something to discus with you. It's important."

"What is it? I'm sure we can talk right here." They looked at each other.

"Your Majesty, we all agreed and voted that you must marry the mother of your child." My eyes went wide.

"I am married to the mother of my child. I really need to find her."

"Your Majesty, the late queen. Is gone. It doesn't matter if she is alive or not, she has abandon her duties as Queen for months." I shook my head

"She was kidnapped!? What do you mean abandoning her duties?? Do you know how crazy that sounds?"

"Your Majesty, we aren't trying to disrespect you but it's best for the kingdom that you marry Ms. Tzuyu."

"That isn't Tzuyu, it's her twin sister." They all smiled.

"It doesn't matter who she is. She best fits the royal family right now and if you do not marry her, you will make this kingdom crumble in pieces."

"Jungkook." I turned around and saw my father.

"King Jeon." The advisers bowed.

"Appa? What are you doing here?"

"I heard about what is going on. Everything is a disaster. I'm here to help."

"I don't need your help!" My father looked at me.

"You will marry Tzuyu's twin sister. There are too many attacks in country and if you marry her they promise to stop. So you must take this sacrifice for your kingdom."

"No buts!" I was angry, but I felt so powerless. "These people want you to marry their leader, and if you do they will stop killing people. Jungkook it's your happiness or the life of innocent people!"

I didn't say anything.

I turned around and walked away.

I walked to the blank room.

"Open the door." I said with a angered tone.

Once they opened the door and ran in there and stood right in front of her.

"I don't know what you have planned. But I will not let you ruin my life and kingdom." She smirked.

"Oh Jungkook, you are so cute. Now I can see how my sister fell for you. But really you aren't that great to make me become soft of you." She stood up. "I'm not my sister and I won't fall for you. But I will tell you that, I thankful that you killed her. She was really the pain in the ass." She turned around.

I grabbed her arms, making her look at me. "I'm not marrying you and you will stop these attacks and bring Jae-hwa back."

She smiled. "You poor thing, I have no control over what happens to Jae-Hwa. Nor can I bring her back. She isn't in my hand but in the hands of someone else." She started to laugh.

"Laugh all you want because by the time I live this room, you will be dead." 

Her eyes went wide and she stopped laughing.

She knew I wasn't kidding.

I smirked then turned around.

"You can't kill me! You need me to tell you who has Jae-Hwa." I stopped walking and shook my head.

"I don't need you to find her." I continued to walk towards the door.

"YAH! JEON JUNGKOOK! You can't kill me, you won't! You need me and you know that!" I turned around.

"I don't need anyone, I have so many other people that can help me."

"People who aren't even on your side." Her eyes were scary.

"Everyone here is trustworthy." She laughed.

"And Jimin?"

"Why are you talking about him?"

"Cause he is the one who has her." She smirked again.


"He is the one whose been helping all this time. Who do you think took Jae-Hwa and Yeonmin so easily. You are so dumb sometimes." I grabbed her.

"You are lying!"

"Jae-Hwa doesn't have any memories of you. She takes these pills that make her forget everything. I'm pretty sure, Jimin told her that they are dating. And probably get married soon. He is probably fucking her too." She laugh.  

I threw her on the ground and ran out the room.

I pulled out my phone and called Hobie Hyung.


"Hyung! Have you guys found Jae-Hwa?" 

"Sorry Maknae, we haven't gotten any luck so far." I let out a sigh. "But I think we have some good luck. Or maybe I miss Jimin." He giggled.

"What are you talking about?"

"Well when we were at an airport, we stopped this guy and girl. We thought it was Jae-Hwa, but it wasn't. But the guy looked just like Jimin! Me and Sana were so shoc-"


"What? Why?"

"Because that might actually be Jimin." 

"Jungkook, what are you even talking about?" 

"Jimin is alive! Find that dude! Now! If you find him you will find Jae-Hwa. I'm sure! I'm taking a flight to Jeju now." I hung up.

"Your Majesty." I turned around and saw a maid. "The baby has woken up." 

The baby, how could I forget.

"Your Majesty," I looked at her. "You should give the baby a name. It is your child." 

I smiled. "Thank you. I will." 

I jogged to my bedroom, in the crib next to my bed was the baby. I walked towards him. 

He started to smile as I was getting closer to him.

"Hi baby. You happy to see Appa." I picked him up. "I see you had a good nap, your hair is crazy." My smile faded. "Just like your eomma." 

He kept smiling and laughing. 


"Jungkook if it's a girl I want to name it Jin-Ae, I don't know why but it was a name character in the first book I read."

"I love it. What about if it's a boy?" 

"Jin-ho." She said smiling sadly.

"Jin-Ho? Where is that from." She looked at me and smiled.

"It's my Appa's name." I kissed her.

"It's perfect." 

end of flashback.

I kissed him on the head. "Jin-Ho, that's your name." 

He started to giggle. "I love you." 


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