Chapter 22: Nothing perfect, nothing remarkable

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You were sorting out the things you were going to take for the little trip. The location was left unsaid by the team in charge of organizing it, saying they wanted it to remain a surprise, and the only thing that everyone was told was that this year you would be going someplace where you could easily get dirty, so you made sure to choose some old clothes that you wouldn't mind getting ruined.

And amidst the disaster that was your room, you heard some knocking on your door.

"Just a second!" You yelled at who you suspected were your maids by the way they knocked and you shoved everything you could on that one chair to tidy the place a little. When the room was somewhat presentable, you pulled open the door and sure enough it was them.

"Would you like us to help you with the packing, Miss _____?" said Tsuyu.

"It's fine girls, I can do it myself. And please, stop calling me that. You know how much I hate it when you treat me like I was some sort of important person."

"Certainly, Mi-" you glared at Kyoka and she immediately corrected herself. "Eh.. O-Okay, _____"

"Good" you smiled widely at her, contented. She blushed from embarrassment, but she ended up giving back a smile.

"Then we will see if the young master needs us" said Tsuyu.

"Wait, is he going too?" you asked her. You would have thought that he would excuse himself from this kind of events.

"Yes. He said he wanted to go."

"Huh, I see."  'I wonder why' you thought to yourself as you obviously knew the answer. "Well, I won't hold you up anymore. Bye by-"

As you said your goodbyes, the grand pile of clothes messily placed on your chair finally collapsed, spreading all over the floor.

"... I think you need us more than he will ever need us" said Kyoka.

"... I think so too" you replied in defeat, and the girls laughed.




"We will excuse ourselves then, Miss _____" they said at the same time as they bowed, making you feel awkward as hell.

'Guess old habits die hard' you thought while discreetly chuckling.

Once they had left, you closed the door with a soft thud and threw yourself to your bed to take a little break -even though you hardly did any work because they were the ones who skillfully did the job for you. You were seriously amazed at how they could fit half of your wardrobe and necessities on one little bag, though you didn't know why they would think you would need that many things to begin with. It was only a three days trip, for goodness sake!-.

As you lied staring at the plain ceiling, you shoved every thoughts aside, but your brain kept going back to one thing only: on what your life had become.

Heartbroken still you were now that you had received the ultimate kind of rejection, one that you couldn't do nothing about except welcome it and remain as friends with Eijiro. But surprisingly, it wasn't as hard as you would have thought it would be. You thought that it must have been because he rejected you once already, and that you somehow got used to the pain -if that makes sense at all-, or because he has been acting the same as always: a reliable friend. Maybe it was for the best that things ended up this way.

Though you couldn't deny the fact that a certain someone has been occupying your mind lately, distracting you from everything else.

Shouto... he had definitely changed since the day he confessed to you. He was doing things that were very unlike him, like creepily smiling at whoever he crossed paths with -seriously, who taught him to smile like that?- or trying to be more amiable with everyone, which only resulted in discomfort. And now he wanted to go to the trip? ... As if that weren't enough, his attitude would change whenever he saw you. He would first stare at you for a couple of seconds, looking like he had something to say, but he would then end up looking away, swallowing his words.

(DISCONTINUED) Silhouette [Shouto x Reader AU]Where stories live. Discover now