Chapter 19: I'm sorry

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Happy new year!!! Let's pray to our lord Marco for 2019 to be a great one.


He ventured into the lonely hallways, his shadow being the only company he had. He searched everywhere, but everywhere he searched you weren't there. Your room, the mess hall, his office, the backyard. All of those places empty, with you nowhere to be found. After searching around for the umpteenth time, he couldn't help but think that what he was doing was all in vain.

Sure the words Kirishima gave him were nice and encouraging, but they don't mean more than that. They don't mean that giving his best will bear any fruit at all. They were just words that talked about a possible outcome but, for all he knew, this was a lost cause from the very moment you walked into his life again.

But even after knowing this, for some reason he kept looking. It may have been because he wanted to make sure you weren't crying alone, or because he didn't like the likelihood of you cursing him, or maybe even because he believed in that that possible outcome could come true. Quite possibly, but it could also have been out of pure stubbornness to find you. Who knows when even he didn't know for himself.

After another while, he finally found you.

You were on the rooftop, but not standing somewhere you could easily be spotted because he had definitely checked the place before. Had he not walked past the door -like he did the previous times when he thought there was no one-, turned around and looked up, he wouldn't have seen you. Somehow, and he didn't know how, you had found a way to sit on top of the building.

It was obvious you knew he was there, and yet you didn't even spare him a glance, as if he wasn't there in the first place.

It was obvious for him you had been crying and angry, and yet he didn't know what to do.

Pulling the smile Kirishima told him to do, he said loud enough for you to hear from above "...It's pretty cold, you should get back inside."

You gave him a small glance, but that was all you did before continuing your stargazing in the chilly night.

After the regretfully short interaction, he asked himself what he was supposed to do now.

'First things first, you go after her and apologize for being a dick.'

"I'm sorry for what happened" he apologized, still with the crooked smile. "I didn't mean to say that".

But his words fell on empty ears once again, and each second that passed in utter silence pained him. Was it already too late, just as he had feared? Was it worth continuing this worthless fight?

If it weren't for the occasional winter breeze that made him company, he would have given up already. For a normal person the breeze would have been cruelly cold, but he found a weird kind of comfort in the cold, like a gentle caress that made him regain his senses whenever he was feeling out of it.

Gaining the courage he needed, he tried to go up to where you were. However, since this was the first time he tried to do these kind of things, he failed miserably and landed on his butt. After two or three more failed attempts, you had enough of watching the pathetic scene and lent him a hand to help himself climb up.

"Thanks" he said with the weird smile after he was up, to which you frowned.

"Stop with that. It's creepy" you said to him before your gaze was lost again.

He quickly put down the smile and sat down close to you, two silhouettes now painted on the starry night. "I was told that if I smiled like this, people would like me more."

(DISCONTINUED) Silhouette [Shouto x Reader AU]Where stories live. Discover now