Chapter 6: Under his thumb

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After walking for half an hour, you finally reached the Endeavour building. Once you entered, you were greeted by Shiozaki again, but this time she wasn't looking down on you. In fact, she acknowledged you as she would for an important person.

"Hello, Ms ______, I've been expecting you. Follow me please" You did as told and followed her. You were expecting for her to lead you to the Pervert's office but she took you to another room. Inside were two maids that bowed before you.

'What even are maids doing on a real estate agency? I swear rich people and the weird things they do.'

"Hello, Ms ______" All the Misses were already tiring you and weirded you out. "We have been ordered to make you look decent, so we'll begin now"

'Ouch' You knew you weren't all that pretty in the first place but it hurt to hear them say it so bluntly like that.

They first did your hair, curling it (or not if you already have curly hair) and braiding it. After that, they stripped you and threw your dress to the garbage can without giving it a second look.

'...And to think that that was my prettiest dress....'

They put a corset on your waist and when they pulled the strings, they knocked the breath out of you and boy did you see the stars. They kept pulling until you were pretty sure your insides imploded so you could fit in that tiny hell hole, and they went on with the make up. It felt so weird because you've never wore any kind of make up, not that you could affort to anyway. And you were glad you didn't because it just felt chunky and you felt the urge to wash it off.

After that, they showed you the dress you had to wear and you thought to yourself that never on your life would you be able to afford something like that.

You put it on carefully since you didn't want to make a single scratch on it. Only God knows if you'd have to pay for it if you did. Then, you wore the brand new pair of short heels they brought for you, but when you tried to walk, you tripped a few times before you got the hang to it.

'How do people wear these all the time?? This is torture!'

"You are ready Ms ______. Now please follow us to meet the young master". You followed them to the same room from yesterday, tripping a little on the way. They knocked on the door, announcing that you were there and left.

You opened the door cautiously and stood awkwardly there. You saw him sitting on his office doing some paperwork, and he looked up when he heard you entering.

"Ah, I see that you've made up your mind, though I had a feeling that you'd come." He snickered with a know-it-all look that irritated you.

"Was all this necessary?" You asked motioning to yourself.

"Why yes, you have to be presentable if you want to be my personal secretary."

"So I'm really your secretary??" You asked for confirmation as you were really not expecting that to be the truth. You aren't complaining hiwever. This was a million times better than what you imagined would happen and it meant that you hadn't lied to your family.

'Still, I'd prefer serving a dog over this perverted asshole.'

You got out of your thoughts when he stood up and slowly walked towards you. On the contrary, you backed away taking a few steps back as he did until you couldn't anymore for you were against the wall. He grinned and before you could think of going somewhere else, he placed his hand next to your head, caging you. As he pierced his heterochromatic eyes on yours, your heart pounded faster against your chest but not because you found this situation pleasant in any way. He was attractive, yes, and some girls would die for this to happen to them, but you weren't one of them.

(DISCONTINUED) Silhouette [Shouto x Reader AU]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu