Chapter 7: Who are you?

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As soon as you entered your room, you sent your heels flying away as your feet were killing you. They were full of blisters and bleeding on some parts too. However, you were too tired to care, so you just changed into the nightgown neatly placed on your new bed since you needed to get out of that hellhole people called Corset. When you did, you just plopped yourself on the bed.

' 'Do a good job so we can end our day faster' my fat ass.' It was way past midnight when you finished everything on that damned schedule.

There was nothing you could have done, as apparently your only job was to stay standing up and ocassionally make cups of tea or coffee. Also, he sure took his sweet time chatting with his business partners about unimportant things or taking his meals, and he seemed to be enjoying himself seeing you trying to do everything you could to hurry him.

In the end you felt too tired to walk to your home, so you unwillingly decided to stay here. You didn't want to make your family worried, but just for this night... Tomorrow you'll surely go and tell them that it seems that you'll have to stay here for the time being.

Right now, you just wanted to sleep...

And just as you were about to fall into a deep slumber, you heard a knock at the door. You groaned and since you didn't want to get up, you let whoever was there to invite himself in. But as soon as the door opened revealing Shouto, you sat up properly covering yourself with the sheets.

"I see that the one who refused to stay has already made herself comfortable" he snorted leaning against the frame of the door. He was still in his white shirt but he had losened his tie a bit.

"Well, you didn't give me that much of a choice, now did you Mr Boss? Now would you be so generous to leave so I can have a peaceful sleep at least?" You retorted too tired to deal with him.

He however snickered and walked towards you and you tensed up, covering yourself even more.

"How could I when there's such a fine young woman in front of me.." The next thing you know is that he yanked the sheets out of your grip, revealing your nightgown. In a hurry, you did your best to cover what you could with your arms. "Wearing only this. It would be rude of me to ignore her and I don't want to lose my 'kind' image" he chuckled.

Between the tiredness and the stress, rage filled you at this point. However, before you could lash out, he pushed you to the bed gaining a yelp from you. He was now on top of you and took your wrists prisoner so you couldn't escape.

"I'd like to show you how kind I can be". And just as he said it, you felt his wet tongue lick and smooch your earlobe, making you shiver at the feeling.

Afraid of what was happening, you struggled to get away but he was far too strong. He even took both of you hands above your head and held them into place with only one hand of his, showing you how futile it was to keep fighting.

He took the chance to start placing soft kisses onto your neck. You felt numb at first, feeling disgusted, but as time passed by you slowly began sinking into pleasure as he started learning your weak spots and kissed them with much more intensity.

You hated that your body was enjoying this and tried to hide the little moans that were beginning to form on your mouth. He noticed this and sneakily took one of your breasts in his free hand so you would succumb to the pleasure. He started massaging it and pinching your now hardened nipple in between his index and thumb while still placing wet kisses on your neck. You couldn't contain your moans any longer at this new sensation and you were now starting to pant.

He was pleased with your reaction, and you knew he was as, in between kisses, you felt his teeth graze your soft skin from him grinning.

He stopped the massaging and the kissing, giving you a little break in between your ragged breaths, only to suddenly lift your nightgown. He startled you as he was now taking in the view of your naked body and you just wanted to cry at this very moment. No one has seen you like this, not even your ex-boyfriend, and here he was about to take your most precious thing from you.

Caving in to temptation, he attacked your breast with his mouth and you arched your back as you felt him nibble your chest. While doing so, he massaged your other one and there were times he would roll his tongue to play with your hardened buttons.

You shuddered from the tingling pleasure, thrashing your body around the sheets as you couldn't grasp on anything to hold on since your hands were still held prisoners in his.

In one given moment, you suddenly yelped in pain when your feet thrashed roughly against the sheets, grazing some blisters and other injuries.

He stopped his act confused at your sudden cry as he didn't believe it was because of what he was doing. He moved to the side and set you free along with your hands. You sat up, rubbing your now numb wrists as he began inspecting you to see what was wrong.

Just as he thought that there was no sign of anything that could hint your sudden cry, he stumbled against the sight of your blistered feet and furrowed his eyebrows pained to see it.

"You are bleeding."

'Congratulations, you have just won the Captain Obvious award!' what you'd say if you weren't scared of him, but you didn't bother to say anything nor spare him a look.

If he was pretending to be the worried and nice guy, you wouldn't fall for it. Not after what he did. If anything, he made a point to you that he didn't give a quarter of a fuck of how you were doing.

Upon not receiving any kind of reaction from you, he sighed and got out of the room. You were relieved to be left alone, but the relief came with the need to cry as flashes of what had just happened appeared on your mind. When you noticed that you were trembling, you shrank into yourself in an attempt to stop it, and to feel safer too.

Had it not been for your wounds, he would have undoubtly gone further and more tears streamed down your face as you thought about it. 

A few minutes later, you heard some footsteps nearing in and you hastily wiped away the tears that fell down because you didn't want to show him any sign of weakness.

He made his way beside the bed and kneeled on the floor, revealing a first aid kit as he layed it on the ground, next to him. He took some desinfectanct and poured it on a piece of gauze, and ordered you to give him your feet. However, you smust have paced out too much because he took your leg himself and carefully placed it on his knee. When he did, you were too awestruck trying to understand what was happening right at this exact moment, but you snapped out of it when you winced in pain once you felt the gauze on your fresh wounds.

"Forgot to tell you this is going to hurt"


You groaned twisting the sheets to fight the pain as he cleaned your wounds. He began the same process with the other after being done with the first, and once again the torture started for you.

Finished with the cleaning, he began wrapping them and you admitted that he was really good at this, seeing how neatly done it was being done. He put your feet down on the floor and got up to put the kit on a shelf. "They'll heal in about a week. In the meantime, I'll tell the maids to get you some flats".

As you stared into his back, you thought about what he just did for you. 'I don't get him. Is he actually a good person?'

When he finished setting the kit, he headed for the door to leave.

"Thanks.." you mumbled when he opened it and he turned his face to flash you a smile before going out and close the door.

'Who are you exactly, Shouto?'

Aye, so this is my first 🍋 so please be kind.

I understand that the situation can be upsetting, but it's part of the plot and if you don't like it, you can always stop reading.

I hope you'd stay though....

For the ones that stay, I won't put any more warnings since I assume that you are already corrupted.

(DISCONTINUED) Silhouette [Shouto x Reader AU]Where stories live. Discover now