Chapter 17: Under pressure

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Precious Kiri boii wishes you a happy Christmas Eve, and tomorrow he'll come back to wish you a Merry Christmas! (NANII??)

Kaminari was flipping his pen out of boredom. All this working on papers and sitting on a chair for hours on end had him frustrated, but suddenly, his face lighted up as something came to mind.

"Hey, it's almost that time of the year right?"

"Oh, that's right! Man, I'm getting excited about it!" Kirishima said bumping his own fists.

Curious about what they were talking about, you looked at the red haired boy puzzled.

"Ah, sorry. I forgot you were new to this" he apologized. "Basically since winter is coming we have a trip together"

"Ohh that sounds like fun!" You said, the excitement getting to you too.

Iida cleared his throat to attract all of your attentions. "It's not just supposed to be fun. The purpose of this trip is to connect with nature and improve our mood and willingness to work. It also further develops the relationships between us workers as we are going to spend all of our days together, doing joint activities like cooking. The reason why the company wants us to achieve those things is because it foments a good work environment, and thus, we show better results" he explained.

"So to summarize, a summer camp but in winter" Denki said and Eijiro high-fived him. You chuckled at their interaction and he smiled at you, making you blush slightly.

Since that day, the two of you got considerably closer. Shouto would ignore you everytime you crossed paths, but Eijiro would still stand protectively before you whenever he saw him. He'd also often ask you if you were alright or if Shouto did something to you, to which you refused as it was the truth.

This whole matter has definitely made your relationship with Eijiro grow. All the anger you had felt towards him had faded and you were acting the same way as before, as if nothing wrong had ever happened between the two of you.

In fact, you were starting to fall for him all over again.

"So where are we going?" You asked enthusiasmated with the idea at Eijiro.

"Hmm, we don't know ourselves. We've only been here for two years, which makes this our third one. The first one was on the forest and last year we went to the beach"

"Dude, don't remind me of the forest one. I have chills whenever I think of it" Denki shivered at the thought.

"Why? What happened?" you asked.

"Oh you should have seen it! He was trying to catch some fish for dinner but he got electrocuted by an eel instead and his..." Eijiro tried to contain his laugh while telling you the story "his brain must had gotten fried too because he-pff, he went all wheee wheee". He tried to imitate Kaminari's reaction and ended up breaking out in laugher instead. As he did, you couldn't help but stare at him. The way his eyes would wrinkle when he did and how he sounded so carefree and full of joy was something that enamoured you back then and still did to this day.

"Though it's a wonder how an electric eel ended up in a small river of Japan when they only live in South America" Tenya said and it made all of you ponder about it for a second.


"Yes, as shocking as it is, you had really bad luck" Tenya punned at your blondie's misfortune, trying not to laugh.

You also stiffled a laugh, but the grumbling of your stomach overshadowed it. Everyone turned to you making you embarrassed as they were now laughing at you.

(DISCONTINUED) Silhouette [Shouto x Reader AU]Where stories live. Discover now