Chapter 11: ...And one dinner

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ASJASJJDAHSK at the pic ԅ(♡﹃♡ԅ)


'Perfect' you thought. 'He has a full packed schedule, but he HAD to be here. Of all days.'

You were sat in front of Katsuki with Shouto to your left as he was at the end of the needlessly long square table. Served on it were many enticing plates and appetizers that would make anyone drool just from the aroma. But, however tempting they were, the awkward atmosphere ruined your appetite.

Katsuki's knitted brows worsened after his frustrated attempts at trying to figure out how to eat or cut some things, so he ended up serving himself some rice and curry. At Shouto's end, he was eating in a calm and collective manner, as if he didn't mind his surroundings at all.

After some clink and clanks, he used a napkin to clean his mouth and finally broke the ice. "Is everything to your liking, Mr. ...." he left the end unsaid as he didn't know your brother's name.

"Katsuki. Just Katsuki. And I've eaten better." He spat out.

You looked him dead in the eyes, mentally trying to say with your look 'Really bro? Really?', to which he ignored you on purpose.

"Is that so? I apologize for the inconvenience, Katsuki. I'll fire the chefs later"


"Nonononono, he was joking, right Katsuki?" You said with a menacing look to the blonde. You didn't want the poor guys to lose their jobs just because your brother was acting childishly.

"Hmph" When he gave you that immature response, you kicked him hard under the table. "OUCH BITCH WHAT THE-"

"RIGHT, KAT-SU-KI?" You said his name through gritted teeth while doing a closed-eye smile.

He gulped nervously and finally gave in to your demands. "Tch, fine. I was just joking "

You gave him an agressive glare and he gave it back to you. You thought that they were dissimulated, but unbeknownst to you Shouto found your exchange of looks quite entertaining.

"Oh, I see. It was a funny joke." He stated catching both of your attentions as a smile crept across his face.

You and your brother glanced at each other and shared the same dumbfounded yet worried look as you thought the same thing. 'He's crazy.'

Upon seeing your new reactions, Shouto couldn't help himself but chuckle. When he calmed down, but not before scaring you two, he said looking at Katsuki "So I've heard you want to be a cop." You gulped as you didn't know where he was going at.

The alluded boy said scoffing "Yeah, and? What does it matter to you?"

"Have you heard of the Scout Regiment?" Todoroki said with a smug. Although Katsuki was still putting on a tough act, the businessman knew he had succeeded on piquing his interest as he saw a glint in his prey's eyes. Katsuki shifted in his seat, discreetly edging closer to the table so he could hear what he had to say about it.

Shouto's scheme was going according to plan so he smirked and took a short glance at you before shifting his attention back to Katsuki again. "They are a military branch that-"

"Yeah yeah, I know who they are so go on already" Katsuki said hurrying him up.

Of course he knew about them. It was the place he was aiming for.

After your kingdom had divided into two, the Military had also branched. The Scouts Regiment, also known as the Survey Corps, were in charge of not only protecting your kingdom from any incoming attacks, but also of getting your lost territory and people back. It was a known fact that the civilians living there were treated poorly, and lots of families got separated during this war.

(DISCONTINUED) Silhouette [Shouto x Reader AU]Where stories live. Discover now