Chapter 20: I am me

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Thank you for the kind words and sorry for not being as active as before (╥_╥) 2019 came in like a wrecking ball and my whole life is about to turn 180°, with the possibility of moving to another country alone with my aunt this year or the next (WUT?), and I will need to start working asjnaicsfe.

Anyway, enjoy~! _(┐「ε:)_❤


You walked to your workplace looking the worst you've ever had: eyebags, messy hair, scruffy clothes. Iida was the first to be there, as always, and he greeted you.

"Good morning, ______!"

"Yeah" you said as you lazily sat on your place and immediately laid your head on the desk, feeling like shit for not sleeping at all.

"You look really bad, _____" he said, making you groan and he took back his words. "Uh- I-I didn't mean that you look bad, just that you don't look well today. Did something happen that you'd like to talk about?" he asked you and you only groaned loudly, making him jump back. "I-I'll take that as a no......"

Then, you heard someone running.

"DO WE FINALLY HAVE A PET?" Kaminari entered by slamming the door open and yelling excited, making your headache worse. "WHERE IS IT? I KNOW I HEARD SOME GROWLING!"

Iida pointlessly made some hand signs for him to cut it out, but he wouldn't stop. "_____, come on! There's an animal here and you are just lying on the desk? Thought you were cooler" he said disappointed. "By the way, you look like shit."

That's when you slowly raised your head, and with a long annoyed huff, you cracked your knuckles.




When he was in front of the door, he stopped and mentally prepared himself. After gaining the courage he needed, he grabbed the handle and pulled the door open.

"Hey! Good mor...ning... guys...? What happened to you...?" Kirishima said.

He wasn't bothered by the fact you were all working on your papers so dilligently. It was strange considering this was normally a loud work office, but that wasn't the top of his concerns. On the contrary, what he didn't understand was why his teammates had bumps on their heads, all except for you.

When Iida and Kaminari saw him, they immediately did hand signs for him to not say anything to you, to which you simply ignored by pretending to read your papers. But as calm and collected as you appeared to be, on the inside you were dying of embarrassment, and it wasn't only because of your bold move and his obvious rejection.

Not only had you made it obvious you liked him, he knew you sold your dignity away. It was unknown to you if he was explained the reasons as to why you did, but nevertheless, you doubted that hearing any of it would help your cause at all. To you at least, it was undoubtly something to be ashamed at, no matter what was at stake.

Out of the corner of your (e/c) eyes, you could see him approaching you, and Iida and Kaminari freaked out in the background.

"Good morning, ______" he said without a single hint of doubt in his voice.

"Good morning..." you said in a low hush. Unlike him, your self esteem has sunken so low now that you realized how low you stooped in life.

The two boys in the background opened their mouths widely. A second ago you were delivering blows here and there, and now you were like a tamed beast in their eyes. They felt wronged, but when they tried to complain, they stopped themselves when they saw you acting so depressed. It's true that there were times you hid your feelings, but when you did, you always tried your best to be as energetic as possible to cover up how messed up your life had become in just a short amount of time.

(DISCONTINUED) Silhouette [Shouto x Reader AU]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang