She leans away and picks out a new swab of cotton to apply some antiseptic. "His ankle is fractured."

Hoseok blinks, mouth falling open as the terrible news is delivered. You don't react very well either.

"Fractured?" you unwillingly shout at the nurse.

She nods, keeping her expression the same but you could tell she feels sorry for the guy. "Yes, I think you should get an x-ray as soon as possible and receive proper treatment. All I can give you is crutches for now."

You glance at Hoseok, noticing how he hasn't said anything, pure disappointment on his face.

"And how long do you think it'll take to heal?" you ask, dreading the answer.

The nurse shrugs "Approximately 5-6 weeks."

You throw your head in your hands, dragging your fingers down your face in exasperation. Hoseok sits there silently, eyes not daring to look up at anyone. He swallows, keeping in a different kind of pain now, a more agonizing emotion.

You both knew what this meant.

The dance competition is in 2 months. Two months to figure out three dance routines, two months to train and practice. But what was the use of it if Hoseok won't be able to dance for six of those weeks, leaving him with such little time to prepare.

"Six weeks?" Hoseok finally says, his words asking for confirmation as he looks straight at the nurse "I can't dance for six weeks?"

The nurse can't help but feel pity, she notices the tears he's trying to keep in, the emotion in his voice. "Even then, you would have to restrain from any challenging activities for a few more weeks to make sure it fully heals...."

Hoseok nods, looking away again. He didn't want to seem any less of a man than he already was. Not only had he gotten beaten up today but now he's going to cry like a baby about it?

The stereotypical thoughts of how a man should act stay drilled into his head. The disheartening jokes people would throw at him when they found out he was bisexual come rushing back to him. Apparently his sexuality had made him less of a man and as much as he tried to fight it, he couldn't but let those demeaning thoughts slip into his perspective.

You place a hand on his shoulder, noticing his major discomfort. "It's okay, Hoseok. It's just a competition, they'll always be a next time."

He shakes his head "It's not just that, Y/N. I might have to stay back a year as well..."

You don't know what to say, don't know what words could potentially comfort him in a time like this. You were never good at these things, so you awkwardly sit there and rub his shoulder, muttering an apology.

"Y/N, I'm afraid you're going to have to go back to class. I can't allow you to stay here." the nurse interrupts.

You shoot her a dirty look "No, I'm not."

She's not impressed by your stubbornness. "Yes, you are. Take a yellow note from desk to give the teacher and leave."

You roll your eyes and jump off the bed, snatching a yellow slip of paper before slamming the door behind you.


When you had entered class that morning all you were thinking about was who was the one who hurt Hoseok. The blood was boiling in your veins to hunt the man down and hurt him yourself.

So when you're eyes landed on Jimin, a strong suspicion came to your mind, locking it in until you convinced yourself it's true.

You walk down the aisle, trying not to stomp like an angry ogre on the way to your locker.

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