"Sounds good, see you later!"

We hug goodbye and she jogs like a penguin to whatever she's late to.

I walk back to Felix with a big smile on my face.

"Who was she?"

"A friend from a few years ago but she moved here and we hadn't talked since."

"That's nice that you can be friends with her now though. Speaking of friends, what happened to Jaiden?"


"Oh my gosh, I forgot about him, I was too caught up with... well you."

I smile shyly and he kisses me.

"Aw, cutie. You should call him though, make sure he's okay."

"Huh? Are you sure I shouldn't be making sure you're okay?"

"What do you mean?"

I turn to face him and hold his hands in mine.

"I thought you didn't like Jaiden, you're first impression of him wasn't exactly 'smooth'."

I think back to how Jaiden introduced himself to Felix, I wish I could have punched him right then.

"You're right, I didn't like him at first but it was just me being protective of you cause we only just met and then I found out there's another guy that's close to you..."

"Aaaw, were you jealous."

"Pffft, no... yes."

I kiss his cheek and pull out my phone to call Jaiden.


"Y/N! Where have you been?"

"Oh, well Felix came back yesterday and I've just been with him since. What have you been doing?"

"I've actually been packing up my stuff, I'm going to stay with my family's friends tomorrow, they found out I got here earlier than what I told them and want me up there now."

"Oh... can you come up to my room tonight then? We should hang out before you leave."

"Yeah, of course. Just text me when you get back and I'll pop up."

"Awesome! See you then."

I hang up and Felix is looking at me with a joyful expression.

"Did you just hear the conversation?"

"Yep. So Jaiden's leaving tomorrow?"

I sigh.

"Yes, Felix, you can calm down your testosterone now."

He smiles at me and we cuddle under the tree enjoying the day and each other's company.


Around 2 o'clock we decide we should head back to my hotel.

Once back in my room we just lay around on the bed and watch TV while talking.

We take online quizzes to get to know each other better.

The clock reaches 4 o'clock and I decide to text Jaiden and tell him to come up.


He looks up at me from the news.


"Um, Jaiden is coming up here now. Just please don't be rude, I promise there's nothing to be jealous of, we've been strictly just friends for a while, don't worry about him, okay?"

Felix considers my words for a second and agrees.

"Okay, but if he makes another comment about my eyes-"

I cut him off with a kiss to calm him down.

"I'll tell him where to shove it, don't you worry."

Felix smiles at me just as Jaiden knocks on the door.

I jump up and open it to be greeted by a whopping hug. We waddle backwards into my room and I finally get him off me.

Then Jaiden notices Felix sitting on my bed.

He looks from me, to the bed, to Felix and back again. He seems to get some kind of glint in his eye and his face goes all tense like he's trying not to smile.

"Hey, Felix my man!"

He walks over to Felix with his arm outstretched and Felix hits his hand with much unneeded force.


I give Felix a glare and he clears his throat.

"I mean... hey Jaiden! How have you been?"

Jaiden seems taken aback for a moment at the sudden interest from Felix.

"Pretty good, yourself? How's your Gran?"

Felix's eyes look down a bit but he shoots them back up at Jaiden and replies.

"She's fine, her recovery was fast she just is a little weak."

"That's great, man, glad to hear it."

I walk over to the bed with a slight smile on my face. It makes me happy to see my two best friends getting along together.

A couple minutes later I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I check who it is.

Hey, Y/N, it's Jesse.
I have some free time now if you wanna meet up? I can come over to where you're staying if that's alright.

Yeah that sounds great!

I send her my address and she replies back almost immediately.

Cool, I'll be there soon 😎

"Jaiden, do you remember Jesse from year 7?"

He thinks for a moment and his face suddenly lights up.

"Oh yeah, I do! She was the one with lots of energy and a cute orange bag!"

"Yeah, that's her! Well, she left school cause she moved here to Korea and I bumped into her today. She's on her way over here now, we can have a little group hangout and get to know each other better!"

"That sounds awesome!"

I turn towards Felix and he looks slightly awkward.

I grab his hand and he looks up at me.

"Hey, my friends are your friends now too, okay? Jesse's great, you'll be fine."

He gives me a small smile and seems to get back his energy. (Big dick energy lmao I'm sorry -A/N)


After 20 minutes of me trying to ease the tension between Felix and Jaiden, I hear the sound of Jesse knocking which is music to my ears.

I once again jump up and run to the door to be tackled with a hug.

We let go of each other and she looks around the room to see Felix and Jaiden.

"Who are these two? Hold on... oh my gosh, is that? No way!"

I wait nervously, she must be a fan.


Oh. Lol.

Jaiden hops up and a re-enactment of Jesse and I in the park is shown.

"I haven't seen you in so long! What are you doing in Korea?"

I leave them to catch up and walk back over to the bed to Felix.

I sit next to him and rest my head on his shoulder as we both watch the amusing sight in front of us of two friends seeing each other again.


I've been setting up the story so that for the next couple of chapters Y/N gets her shit organised, but that doesn't mean there's a clear path from drama.

Please vote and stay tuned for more chapters! ❤️

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