Chapter six

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You guys were walking to the helicopter to take you to the destination, the guy got in and sat down while you got in and sat on the floor with one of your legs dangling.

Marcus looked at you and pictured your brother there shooting at the Locust.

You turned your head and smiled at him. After a while you all got to the destination.

"Finally" you said and about to get out before Marcus spoke up.

"You're staying".

"Wait what!?" You looked at him.

"You looking from above".

"But Marcus...".

"Stay" he said "Anya look after her" he looked at Anya who nodded, Marcus looked back at you before turning around and began running with the team.

Anya gave you a sniper "hey you'll get your change".

"Hey Anya".

"Yes Carmine?" She said while looking at the clipboard.

"Do you know anything about the Carmine's?".

"Mmmm all I know is that they caring, helpful and never break any rules.... why?".

You watched as Marcus and the team disappeared "Im not like my brothers" you said As the helicopter began to take off you quickly jumped out, tuck and rolled, you flipped your hair back.

"(Y/N)!!" She yelled.

You stood up and blew a kiss at her.

"Land the helicopter" Anya said.

"Can't Locust's are coming" the pilot said and began flying away, Anya tried
To contact Marcus as she watched you walk away.

"Ok I'm alone" you said and put the sniper on your back and grab your map "lets see... Marcus should be... here" you put the map away and began running to catch up with them.

You quickly took cover behind a piece of building, out slowly peeked over to see Marcus, Dom, Baird and Cole all pinned down, you put your lancer down and pulled out your sniper to see how many Locusts are around "one.... three.... fourteen" you said quietly as you hid.

You checked your sniper ammo "shit only ten" you looked up and set up your sniper "Alright gotta make these count" you looked through the scope and breathes softly 'remember what Baird said' you thought and pulled the trigger which hit two Locust's in the head, you quickly ducked.

"Where did that shot come from" Baird said.

Marcus peeked over and looked around only to hear three more shots go off "helicopter isn't around" he said.

"Marcus Over there" Dom pointed.

Marcus looked and saw you quickly changed cover and sniped three more "What is she doing here?".

Soon you ran out of sniper ammo, you put it on your back grab your lancer "this is crazy" you said, you jumped out and started to shoot at the Locust's, the team watched you as you rolled, kicked, shot and used your knife.

Till the last locust used his gun to hit you in the back, you groaned and rolled into your back only to see him aiming his gun.

"CARMINE!" Baird yelled.

You used your chainsaw and chainsaws the locust stomach while yelling, blood and guts fell on you.

After that Marcus walked up to you as you smiled "hello sir".

"Stand up" he said in a low tone, You slowly lost your smile and stood up "why didn't you listen".

"I'm sorry sir but I'm not like my brothers, I don't follow the rules" you looked at him "me breaking the rules saved your ass" you poked his chest.

Marcus didn't save anything till Anya came "Marcus".


"Oh finally, (y/n) jumped out of the helico-".

"I know, she's here" he looked at you which you smiled.

"Is she alright?".

"Yea, she just sniped a bunches of locust" he said and walked off to talk to her.

Baird walked up to you "Nice sniping".

You smiled "well I did have a good teacher".

Baird smirked as your head turned to that spot where your brother died, you lost your smiled and walked up to it "Anthony" you softly said and knees down while touching the ground.

Baird walked up to you and put his hand on your shoulder.

"It's been 7 years since he died" you closed your eyes and balled your fists.

"Hey" Baird grabs your chin and made you look at him, you stared into his baby blue, his wipes your tears away "everything is gonna be fine, we're not gonna let you get killed or anything".

You nodded and stood up.

"Alright team let's move out" Marcus said, you breathe softly and picked up your lancer before running.

One Bullet Away (Baird x Reader) (book 1 to Me and you against the world)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant