28- I Believe In Ghosts: TW Maybe

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It's unsettling to wake up next to someone when you've been alone for so long.

Kristen normally slept restlessly, her body tossed and turned all night, and she was lucky to get more than a handful of hours in before the next day began. Ample amount of time was spent staring at the ceiling, replaying memories from her childhood and more traumatic instances of her life. She had lived too long, and if she could've, Kristen would've died long ago. It's not her choice though.

Kristen woke up next to Remington. She remembered how he held her as she cried last night. Having someone that wasn't Patty there to comfort me was... new. Kristen smiled and snuggled into Remingtons bare chest, his warmth enveloping her heart. He sleepily hugged me tighter to him, and nuzzled his face into my hair. "Goo' mornin' Lizzie." His morning voice slurred out. Kristen took a deep, cleansing breath in and relaxed into his arms.

"Morning, Rem." Kristen responded, rolling out of his arms. He whined in response and sat up. His eyes were scrunched and his hair was a fluffy mess; overall he just looked displeased with the morning. Kristen giggled as she grabbed her shorts off the floor, stepping into the garment. "Awww i could wake up to that face every day." She teased. Remington pouted, then smirked. "Who says you can't? Come on, come back to bed." He opened the covers again and patted the bed next to him. Kristen looked longingly at Remington, but shook her head with a slight smile. "Can't. Gotta prep. Last day on earth, better make it count." And she bounded out of the room. Remington was left behind, brows furrowed. "Well that was ominous." Then he slowly started to follow her.

"Rise and shine boys! Don't make me get the pots!!" Kristen could be heard clapping down the hallway, curses being thrown at her from behind closed doors. She just laughed in response, and walked into the living room. Patty was already up, and her smile was off her face. Patty looked up from his book, already knowing what Kristen will do, but secretly hoping she would take this opportunity to change. She didn't; she just kept walking while completely ignoring Patty's existence. "I thought you would have learned by now, Elizabeth." Patty called. He could see her face twitch, but she just continued ignoring him. He shrugged, if that was what she wanted, and that was how she dealt, then he wasn't going to interfere anymore.

Emerson shuffled into the living room and towards the kitchen, where Kristen was pouring cereals into multiple bowls. "Mmm Reese's puffs. My favorite." He croaked dryly, making Kristen look at him with narrowed eyes. "Fine. No coffee for you." Kristen snips, sticking her tongue out at Emerson as he spouts apologies to her while she throws the cereal back into the pantry. Sebastian wobbled into the kitchen and collapsed into a chair, flopping his arms on a table and laying his head on top of them dramatically. Kristen set a bowl down in front of him, and a mug beside it, which made him peek out from over his arms grumpily.

Remington then appeared in the kitchen, and grabbed two bowls off the counter, leaving two more. He passed Kristen, kissed her cheek and walked off, effectively leaving her a blushing mess. "Here Pats." Remington handed Patty a bowl, spoon already dunked in. "Thanks Remington. You're a good kid." Remington smiles uncertainly, double meaning much? "No problem." Remington muttered shyly, before scurrying off and barely avoiding colliding with Rean.

"Ah breakfast. Thanks Kris, I assume this is to buy our favor?" Rean curtly called out, before taking a spoonful of Reese's and shoving it in his mouth. Kristen blew a strand of hair from her face, then brushed it out of her face when blowing it didn't work, and sighed. "You caught me. But also, I'm slightly offended. Can't I do something nice?"

"No." Rean answered. Kristen blinked slowly at him while Emerson stifled his laughter. "So, battle plan?" Rean was truly wasting no time. Sebastian was snapping to attention, everyone was. "I assume you had this figured out, don't disappoint." Rean goaded, looking at Kristen's determined face as he sipped from his coffee. He knew what he was doing: forcing Kristen to become more distant, to lock away her emotions and become a refined robot. Sebastian looked between Rean and Kristen, realizing something. He didn't want Kristen to become a monster, like this day was going to make her. They were going to go in, guns blazing, and who knew who would return.

I Don't Believe in Ghosts {Remington Leith}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz