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DEDICATED TO Ssh_Im_Writing !! They're pretty chill, and helped me figure out just how much to traumatize y'all and when. Check 'em out, they've got an Emerson book they're working on and bunch of Grant Gustin stuff, spread the love!!

"How.. to make... chocolate chip... cookies." Remington breathed out as he typed away on his laptop. He looked up briefly, and saw Emerson was still knocked out cold. He fell asleep over Kristen's body, which would have been mistaken for dead if it wasn't for the rise and fall of her chest. Remington exhaled a shuddering breath, and went back to his screen. It's not like she's dead. Kristen is not going to die. She's just taking a much needed nap. Remington smiled slightly, just imagining Kristen waking up and yelling at him, for the thousandth time, about taking care of himself.

"Making cookies?" Sebastian asked softly, peering over his brothers shoulder.
"For when she wakes up." Remingtons throat burned as he spoke.
"Remington...." Sebastian sighed, moving to sit in front of his brother. "It's been three days. You need to sleep." Remington has never seen Sebastian so concerned, or stretched as thinly as he was now. Not like Remington could blame him. He hadn't slept, had barely eaten, since Wednesday. The same could be said for Emerson, except he actually caved into his body's demand for sleep.

"No, I need to make these cookies." And with a huff, Remington shakily stood up. He had a piercing headache, his vision was kind of blurry and his eyes burned. All signs of sleep deprivation, but at least he felt numb. After Wednesday, he never wanted to feel again. Well actually, he would love to feel again, but he only truly felt when he could talk to Kristen. She was coaching him through the events from Wednesday. He just wanted Kristen to wake up. As he made his way to the kitchen, and started following the on screen directions he could barely read, Remington began to relive the worst ten minutes of his life for what felt like the millionth time.

Remington heard a pop, and looked up from his phone. He never knew that three days MIA would make the fans panic so much, and it touched him and shocked him at the same time. So, to go from scanning through well wishes and major questions to being pressed to a wall with electric purple bonds definitely put him in a state of shock. Sebastian was groaning next to him, Emerson was knocked unconscious. This, the fact his baby brother was injured by this asshole, made him see red.

"Ooooh that was just TOO easy!" A familiar voice squealed. Sofia skipped into view, making Sebastian shake his head in disappointment and Remington start pushing on his restraints. He got his wrists about three inches off the wall before it snapped back like a rubber band. He strained again, four inches this time before he was back at square one. "Aww Remi dear, sage your strength. The boss would be pretty mad if I brought you to him exhausted."
"Bite me, bitch."

A whoosh of air was heard through the house. "Boys!! Boys are y'all okay? I'm back!!" Kristen's voice floated through the house, accompanied by her frantic footsteps.
"Well well...." Sofia cooed as Kristen walked into view. Remington watched as she slouched quickly, rolling her eyes.
"Oh fuck me." Kristen whispered, then she straightened and glared at Sofia. "Could you be ANY more cliche, Sofia?"
"Ouch, my feelings." Normally, Remington would admit that Sofia was attractive, at least to some degree with her ponytail and wide purple eyes. But now, with her malicious pout and dull eyes, she looked ugly.

"Don't play with me, bitch." Kristen hissed.
"Hey hey, no need to be rude."
"Just give me the boys and we won't have any problems." Kristen said, with a fiery undertone. Remington went back to struggling against his magical restraints, hoping that while Kristen kept Sofia distracted, he could break free and help.
"Sorry, no can do." Sofia said in a false sympathetic voice that made Remingtons hair stand on edge. God, he hated her. "Boss needs them, and preferably in one piece. Now, I'm sure she can make an exception for a few... missing parts, though." Sofia turned around, her face twisted with malice as she pushes Emerson's limp face to the side.

Remington growls in rage, and begins to fight with new vigor. "Fucking tear her to pieces Kris-MMM!!" He tried to speak again, but he couldn't feel his teeth. Oh god, he can't feel his teeth. He started panicking, what did that bitch do to him?!
"So insolent. No matter, they'll have no use for tongues where they're going." Sofia scoffed, looking back at Kristen like she had the upper hand.

But Kristen just raised her hand, palm flat to the sky, while her other hand moved through the air like it was water, forcing it towards Sofia who was standing so casually, it almost made Remington doubt Kristen. Until a huge dragon, made entirely of fire, came out of the tile without even singeing it and darted directly towards Sofia. It's orange jaws opened, blue flames leaking out between teeth, moving so fast Sofia didn't even have a chance to defend herself.

She screamed in pain, loud and piercing as the dragon melted into a sphere of fire, with the traitor in the middle. Remington felt his tongue return to his mouth as he dropped to the floor. The impact made his teeth dig into his newly returned tongue, blood filling his mouth. He's never been so glad to taste blood in his life. He darted to catch Emerson before he cracked his skull on the tile, noticing a blue and purple bruise already forming on his brothers forehead. Emerson must've hit his head on his way to the wall they were pinned to. Sebastian took Emerson from Remington, and nodded to Kristen.

"Help her." He mouthed, a grim look settling on the two conscious brother's faces. Remington spun around and went to move towards the miracle girl in front of him.

Then it went silent. Sofia stopped screaming, and the ground started rumbling. Kristen watched the floor carefully, waiting for something. She looked at Remington, their eyes locking. His breath caught in his throat as he took in her green eyes that had turned blood red. She meant business, and he was genuinely terrified for Sofia. The ground split below Kristen, Remington gasped, and Kristen levitated. She snapped her fingers and moved the Kropp boys off to the side, then spun her finger in a descending circle, a tornado made entirely of flame appearing and sweeping Sofia up in the chaos.

"I'm sorry guys, you can't be here right no—" Kristen stopped suddenly, her stern face twisting with pain and shock. "Ah" she gasped, turning her hips to see the regular kitchen knife sticking out of her back. Remington stepped forward, his blood running cold while he caught Kristen as she stumbled forward. Blood was already soaking her shirt in an ever expanding circle. Sofia watched with an insane smile. "Rem-rem she literally- literally stabbed me in the back." Kristen coughed, blood staining her teeth. "Ironic, right?"
"Always the one with the last word, huh? Not today, Beth. Oh! And while you're... bleeding out," Sofia looked at the dark splotch with disgust. "Just know that your best friend will be dying, cold and alone." Kristen's eyes flooded with tears as she gritted her teeth. "You... bitch!" She gasped out. "What- What did you do- do to him!" Remington held her up, her legs just hung limply from her body.

"Nothing major. Just killed Rean." Kristen went to say something else, but her eyes rolled up and she collapsed into Remingtons white shirt. Remington couldn't say exactly what happened next, he just knew all he saw was red, then Sofia fell to the floor like a rag doll. Sebastian told him his eyes turned black, and as he cradled Kristen he glared at Sofia and snapped his fingers. It could only be assumed that Remington killed her. After all, his powers were drawn from death. Then, he snapped again and the quartet were back at Kristen's treehouse.

It wasn't the fact Remingtons powers were activated, or even the fact that there was a clear and present danger to the three, it was the fact they couldn't even help Kristen that truly stunned the boys. She was in pain, emotionally and physically. The moment she woke up the first time after the stabbing, she blew off any questions and coached Sebastian through pulling the knife out of her body, and sewing the wound closed. Remington cried with her through the pain, even though he could only feel the emotional pain with her.

It's never fun to see a friend go through so much pain, and he could only assume how she really felt. And as much as Remington hated to admit it, he was relieved when Kristen passed out. Emerson took over the vigil of watching Kristen, treating her like a little sister or best friend. Sebastian was warped for life, having sewn actual human flesh together and seeing his younger brother murder someone.

Remington just wanted Kristen to wake up.

I Don't Believe in Ghosts {Remington Leith}Where stories live. Discover now