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Maybe Kristen bit off more than she could chew. She considered this possibility briefly when she found out there were three protégés she was expected to teach. But these three wonders were children in men's bodies, full of wonder and skepticism. She didn't know what she expected, for them to welcome her with open arms and minds? Naturally that would be too easy.

She huffed, blowing a strand of unnaturally, but still natural, blonde hair out of her face as she slouched. Her legs were crossed, her back was like a perfect macaroni noodle, and her will to live was shot. She blames Sebastian, fire and water never did mix.

"Hey, you okay?" A warm body sat next to her cold one, the heat coming off of them waking her up. She ran cold, but needed heat.
"Hmm? Oh. Yeah, I'm alright. Just thinking." Kristen sat up, and looked over. It's Emerson.
"Care to elaborate?" He nudged her shoulder, making her smirk slightly. She shrugged, looking up at the ceiling.
"I guess I'm just feeling a little stressed. I have to teach you guys, I have to convince you guys. I don't want to be the professional here. It's not my nature." She sighed. Emerson watched her, listening.

He took a moment to respond. "What if you don't have to be the professional?"
Kristen looked at him questioning. "How so?"
Emerson flushed a little, embarrassed. He bit his lip before continuing. "Well, we could be... friends? If it makes it easier for you to help us, help you. Y'know?" Secretly, he hoped Kristen would at least consider it. Emerson wanted nothing less than to know this girl, and to unravel the enigma that surrounded her.

And Kristen couldn't deny that she didn't at least want to hang out with the boys. Know more about them, other than the fact they could determine if the world implodes or not.

"I don't want to impose." Kristen said softly. Emerson smiled, shaking his head.
"No no! Of all people, you'll be the most welcome."
"Really?" She asked doubtfully, but with a glimmer of hope in her eyes. It made her realize just how much she missed human interaction.

"Let me prove it?" Emerson asked, rising to his feet. He offered her his hand. It shouldn't have had so much depth to it- a simple offer to help get her to her feet- but to Kristen it meant so much more. His hand represented a branch in a wily storm, the one lifeline that kept her anchored, even when her feet had left the ground. She smiled, and took his hand.

"Prove it." She smirked, releasing his hand. Emerson smiled widely, and grabbed her forearm. He took off running towards Remington, Kristen shouting behind him as her short legs struggled to keep up with his long ones. It felt like she was flying between every shaky and heavy step. "Emerson if you don't slow down I'm gonna- SHIT!" Emerson stopped suddenly, and threw Kristen forward.

The toe of her too big converse caught the crack between two unleveled planks of wood, sending her reeling forward. The momentum of Emerson's running, coupled with the tripping, sent Kristen directly into Remington's able chest.

A "humph" noise came from deep within Remington as the woman collided with him, the woman in turn grunting out an "oof". Emerson smiled deviously as the pair fell, watching as Remingtons hands went around Kristen's figure protectively, his back hitting the ground and taking the fall for both of them.

Kristen and Remington looked at each other with wide eyes, Kristen's hands pressed firmly onto Remingtons chest as he held her tightly to him.

Emerson laughed, gaining the attention of Sebastian and Patty. Seeing the two on the floor, with Kristen sheltered so securely by Remington, it truly set Patty at ease. He smiled, an easy and relieved smile, an atmosphere of hope just exuding from the phantom.

Sebastian, on the other hand, was smirking so hard he thought his face would crack. He would have smiled, but he doesn't trust Kristen enough to be truly excited about this. He could see the connection between the two, just as clearly as he could see Patty beside him. He knows his brother well enough to see where this would go, assuming Remington would be as headstrong as he usually is.

"Was I wrong?" Emerson laughed, crouching next to the two on the floor. Kristen looked at him, wide eyed.
"What? What's happened?" Remington asked, looking between Kristen and Emerson. He started sitting up, pushing Kristen into his open lap. Emerson shifted so he'd sit down next to his brother.
"I told her we could be friends, the three of us," Emerson gestured a triangle between his family, "and Kris."

"Oh? That was it? Well, welcome to the family Krissie!" Remington pulled the unsuspecting girl back into his chest with a tight hug, making the girl smile brightly. Her throat swelled up with emotion, swallowing would be painful. Patty watched the interaction, keeping a close eye on his ward. He nudged Sebastian.

"Go over there." Patty pushed Sebastian forward a little with his shoulder. The younger man stumbled to a stop, and glared at Patty.
"And do what?"
"Hug the girl." Patty responded, thinking it to be obvious.
"And why would I do that?"
"Because you want to. And you can see she needs it. You're not an asshole, Danzig, no matter how cool you think it makes you look."

Patty's words stung Sebastians ego, but it also made him open his eyes. He sighed, "Fine", and unraveled his arms. Patty watched as the Kropp boys inducted Kristen into their circle, smiling toothily.

I Don't Believe in Ghosts {Remington Leith}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora