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Kristen's never seen someone have a panic attack before, let alone had one herself. But, from all the things she's read, maybe this'll be the first one she'll witness. Remington went slack jawed and pale- well, paler- and Emerson just looked at her blankly before shrugging. He obviously had different priorities.

Sebastian, on the other hand, was flipping shit. He was pacing in a circle, scrolling through Twitter and muttering to himself. His feed was flooded with words of concern, ranging from "hope you're better" to "omfg where the fuck are you", and of course the guaranteed "heh fucking asshole hope you die" variety. He sent out a dismissive "Hey sorry I've been MIA" notice, before pocketing his phone again and rounding on Kristen, who still looked incredibly guilty.

"You kidnapped us!"
"Not on purpose!"
"Fucking KIDNAPPED us!"
"I didn't mean to!"
"What about the fans? What about tour?! WHAT ABOUT PRACTICE?" Sebastian wailed dramatically, falling to his knees.
"Bro, you're such a drama queen." Remington said with disapproval, walking past Sebastian to stand next to Kristen. "It would be cool if you took us back, though."

"What's this about practice? Tour? I'm confused." Kristen asked, brow furrowed as she looked up at Remington. He swallowed thickly, his mind went blank as her green eyes looked expectantly towards him, so Emerson swooped in and took his silence as an opportunity to answer for him.
"We're in a band. You... knew this right?"
"Um, no! Wouldn't have asked if I did."
"Hey Hey, no need to get snippy with me, missy." Emerson knew he was coming off kind of condescending, but he couldn't deny he was slightly annoyed.
"Whatever. Don't need to make me feel like an idiot." Kristen huffed, snapping her fingers. Like apparition, one second the quartets feet were on the conjured trampoline park carpet, next they were slammed on clean tile.

Emerson threw his arms out slightly to keep his balance, Sebastian was looking kind of dazed as he stood stiff as a board, and Remington's legs just gave out.

"God I will never get used to that." Remington muttered, standing up and wincing. He rubbed his tailbone a little, pouting.
"I used to say the same thing." Kristen sighed, a slight smirk on her face as she started putting distance between her and the boys.
"So what now?" Sebastian asked, looking to the girl who was walking away slowly.
"Don't look at me to control your lives. You have responsibilities, I have... things to do. Get moving!" She clapped, annoyance seeping off her.

"Will you be back?" Emerson asked, twirling a strand of hair around his finger.
"Honestly Emerson, and you're the smart one. Do you really think I'll leave y'all here, with no grasp on your powers, vulnerable and shit? I'll be back in like... two days or something. Maybe ten minutes. I don't know." She shrugged. She seemed distracted to the men, like she was just itching to leave.

"You have a really strange grasp on time." Emerson noted, studying her.
"You think?" And with that, she snapped her fingers and *poofed* out of the house.

"I guess we have some phone calls to make." Sebastian announced, garnering groans from his younger siblings. He just sighed in response, knowing the responsibility of talking to their manager fell on his shoulders once again.

A girl appeared in an abandoned mansion, like she was told to do. She could have sworn it was Rean, Patty's lovely manifestation, but now she was doubting her first impression.
"Pats? Patty?" Kristen looked around corners, calling for her best friend, paranoia making her hands shake as she climbed her third flight of stairs.
"Close, but no banana." A voice made her stop mid step, understanding flooding her body, followed by relief. She spun around, and hugged the man behind her.

"Oh! Hey Rain!" She smiled at him, so happy that this striking man was here instead of some murderer.
"You seem... chipper. I don't like it." He said with disgust, returning her hug nonetheless.
"Oh I'm so sorry your majesty." Kristen sarcastically bowed as she took her arms off the permanent teenager. She couldn't talk shit though, she looked like she was nineteen, and would forever. She had to admit though, the system for choosing your immortal body was nice on paper, it just got tiring after a century. "Where's Patty?"

"How am I supposed to know." He scoffed, brushing his fringe off his eye, before smirking as he bit his lip, eyes scanning Kristen. "You're looking gorgeous as ever." He said lowly, placing his hands on her hips and drawing her close. She rolled her eyes.
"Drop it, Rain. One time only dude." Kristen pushed his hands off her, taking a step back.
"Awww c'mon Bethy, I miss you." Rain pouted, his adorable puppy dog face almost making Kristen reconsider. Almost. But, she felt guilty for even entertaining the thought, because every time she looked at Rains smoldering eyes, she saw Remingtons eyeliner. Kristen was confused, to say the least.

"See, while I will admit you have an unusually appealing... everything, I already told you no. Back off." She held her hand up, to keep some distance between them. Rain didn't really have boundaries, but Kristen didn't mind.
"Hmmph. Who's the guy?" He crossed his arms, popping a hip with excess sass.
"The what?" Kristen played dumb for a second, trying her best to seem casual. She fooled no one.
"The Guy. You only blow me off cause of a guy." Rains words made her wince. Damn him and his unbridled truth.

"I do not!"
"Beth, this arrangement," Rain gestured between the two with a devilish smirk, "if you so will, has been on and off for three fucking centuries. I think I know what I'm talking about." He just had to bring up their rendezvous, although less frequent this century. 
"Fuck off Rain. Why are you here? It can't be to just get in my pants."

"Unfortunately, you're right." He got serious, making Kristen wary. Rain was never serious unless he needed to be.
"So? Spill."
"It's Sofia. While I can't act against her, I can two time her." He looked so sorrowful, his old eyes seeped in pain. "I found out who she's been seeing, and what happened to Fae."
"You really are a master of suspense. Can't you be straightforward for once?" Kristen sighed, rolling her neck. It needed to be popped, plus it acted as either a sign of boredom or intimidation.
"But that's no funnnnnnn." Rain pouted, but his eyes said something different. He knew exactly how to get under the Lock's skin, and he did so as frequently as possible.
"Rain, I swear to god."
"Fine. Chill. She's been reporting to Cameron, and Fae's dead." He deadpanned. Kristen couldn't deny that she was stunned. She couldn't even find the proper words for a solid two minutes. Partially because "What the fuck", and also because Rain was watching her so intently she was getting a little self conscious.

"Dead? How can she be dead?" A wave of reality just came crashing into Kristen's world, and she was so unsuspecting it shook her to the core. "More importantly, how can Sofia still have her powers if her manifestation is gone?"
"Cameron did something, I don't know what, but obviously it isn't good." Rain sighed, leaning against an old wall. He gazed at the floor with glassy eyes; it couldn't be easy for him to see his family fall so far.
"So where's Patty? Don't tell me he's gone off to spy, again."

Rain said nothing, he just looked at her. Which, coincidentally gave her the answer she needed. Kristen stomped her foot, much like a toddler would.
"Motherfucker!! Does Cameron know about the Kropps?" Her breath quickened, actually anxious for her new friends safety. Plus, they were here wards, she had to protect them until they could defend themselves. Kristen would never forgive herself if something dreadful happened to them solely because she dragged them into this mess.

"If Sofia knows, Cameron knows."
"Shit-shit-shit, well this has been fun but I go have to- I mean, have to go, fuck—" Kristen was silenced by Rain suddenly moving forward, grabbing her biceps, and pulling her in for a kiss. She was effectively stunned, with her eyes wide open. It couldn't have lasted more than two seconds, and when Rain let go, he took two steps back. "Be safe, y'hear?"
"Oh fuck off. And don't do that again. Have some respect, Rain. Jesus." Kristen wiped her mouth with her sleeve, genuinely disgusted as she snapped her fingers and hoped that nothing had happened to the boys in her absence.

I Don't Believe in Ghosts {Remington Leith}Where stories live. Discover now