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"I told you not to move!!" Party scolded as he tripped his way back downstairs, blankets overflowing from his arms.
"I'm sorry, my arms were tired!" Sebastian complained from his spot on the couch. "She's like a block of ice." He grumbled, a frown etched into his face. Under his grumpy exterior however, it was easy to see he was actually concerned.

"Funny how once I get hurt, you start caring. I knew there was a heart in there somewhere, Sebster." Sebastian flinched as Kristen started talking.
"Fuck Elizabeth! You gave me a heart attack." The Beatles reject scolded, returning Kristen's hug with thinly veiled enthusiasm. His face relaxed in relief. "You're still so cold. C'mon, you big baby." Sebastian huffed, pulling all of Kristen's limbs into his lap as he crossed his legs to engulf her in warmth. "Give me the blanket, Walters." Patty was full on smirking as he handed a fluffy blanket to Sebastian. The older sibling in turn, made a burrito out of Kristen, pinning her arms to her sides and continuing to hold her in his lap.

"This is mildly humiliating. But, I still want pants made out of this fabric." Kristen muttered, rubbing her cheek on the softness that covered her shoulder. "Who knew you could be so caring, Sebster." She teased, making Sebastian glare at her. "You feel fine now." Sebastian retorted with a blank face, pushing Kristen out of his lap and onto the floor. She landed on her back, legs still on the couch. She couldn't move her arms to get herself up, so while glaring at Sebastian who was looking down at her, she wiggled like a worm to get her entire body on the floor. "So I probably pushed my luck. Whatever. Thanks anyway, Sebster." Sebastian, in reply, threw a pillow which smacked her in the dead center of her face. Laughter erupted around the room.

About four hours later, the six of them were sitting on the floor around a coffee table that had two pizza boxes in the middle.
"So, when does training start?" Remington asked around a bite of pizza, looking at Kristen for an answer. Kristen looked up and saw he was expecting her to answer, so she held up her index finger in a 'one moment' signal, and quickly finished chewing her bite.
"ASAP." She said shortly before shoving more pizza in her mouth. "Like, after we're done with this pizza ASAP."
"Quick, everyone stop eating." Emerson joked, setting his crust down. Patty looked at him weirdly. "What?" The youngest sibling asked, catching his look.

"Nothing, it's just. What maniac doesn't eat their crust?" Patty accused, shaking his head in mock disappointment.
"Hey, I'm just taking a moment to digest!" Emerson defended himself. Remington shook his head, shielding his mouth from Emerson and mouthing to Kristen 'he's lying.' Kristen looked at Emerson with a very exaggerated angry face, shaking her head.
"What did I do to deserve this abuse?" Emerson asked with incredulity, his blue-green eyes wide with innocence.

"Exist." Sebastian jabbed, smiling as he threw the last bite of his pizza in his mouth. Emerson faked a hurt expression, placing his hand over his heart.
"My feelings."
"Sibling bickering aside, we should get started." Patty interrupted, whines of annoyance coming from the brothers. Patty rolled his eyes, "I didn't know I was dealing with school children."
"That's offensive to school children, Pats." Kristen laughed, standing up and gathering paper plates.
"You're right, sorry Beth." Patty smirked, handing her his plate. Remington held his out to her, but didn't let go of the plate once she grabbed it, making her look at him questioningly. He looked her in the eye, pouting "Krissie, I'm insulted."

Kristen rolled her eyes with a smile. "You're just sensitive, Rem." She scoffed, leaning in and kissing his cheek, taking the plate from his limp hand as his body tended up from shock. Kristen walked to the kitchen to throw away the trash, smirking to herself with her cheeks flushing warm, leaving Remington in the room with the other semi shocked men.
"That-that did just happen? Right?" Remington held his hands out to his sides, like he was finding his balance even though he was sitting down, his eyes wide and his cheeks flushed feverishly.

"Yes, little bro, it did. I applaud you." Sebastian said dryly as Kristen walked back. The room got a little I comfortable as everyone held their breath to see what happened next. Kristen shrunk under the stares and snarked, "Hey, don't we have things to do that don't involve all y'all's noses in my business?!" Rean reacted first, nudging Patty into action. They counted down mentally, and snapped their fingers in unison.

And the six of them ended up in a room that smelled like wood. It was comforting, although they all knew that this next who knew how long would be rigorous and stressful. Upon entering this new pocket dimension, they all were changed into exercise gear, tailored and themed to their element. The men were all wearing muscle shirts and joggers, tennis shoes on their feet. Sebastian and Emerson had headbands on, to hold their hair back.

Remington was monochromatic themed, Emerson had purple and black colored clothes, Sebastian was multiple shades of blue- which made him look more alive- while Kristen was decorated to look like fire. Patty was in an identical blue outfit as Sebastian, and Rean was chilling in his regular clothes. He seemed to be exempt, as he assigned himself the overall tutor. "Let's get started." He said with a devious smile, making Emerson look a little apprehensive.

Remington was paired with Kristen, naturally. Emerson and Rean would be working together, while Sebastian was aided by Patty.

"Hey Remington." Kristen skipped over to him and tapped his shoulder to get his attention. He turned around, and after seeing her smile, he started to smile with her.
"Yes, Ma Cherie?"
Kristen's face went blank, making Remington think he said something wrong, but she shook her head and smiled again. "Sorry, that was unexpected, my brain just kind of—zzzzt!— y'know? Don't, um, say that again. It's too cliche. Anyway, I have something for you!"
"I'm intrigued."

Kristen snapped her fingers and a dove appeared. Not just any dove, but the dove that inducted Remington into this life of magic. The man gasped excitedly, "It's- It's- I feel bad." He deflated a little as the dove settled on his shoulder. Remington craned his neck to look at him and used his middle finger to stroke the doves neck softly.
"Why?" Kristen asked softly, wondering if she did something wrong. Remington looked at he sheepishly. "I forgot what I named him."

Meanwhile, Sebastian was standing with Patty. "So. What should I start with?" He asked, getting straight to the point. Patty looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. "Well, aren't you eager to please?" He remarked. Sebastian made a face of disgust, mocking Patty in his head.
"No, I'm just wanting to defend myself and my family. You got a problem with that?" Sebastian snarled. Patty blinked, a patronizing smile on his lips. "No. I think that's admirable. Good answer, Sebster."

"Whatever. Just teach me." Sebastian crossed his arm and huffed.
Patty smiled, and spread his stance to seem more authoritative. "Well, to start you're going to have drop the attitude, you angsty teenager. Now, take a deep breath and think of something that makes you feel relaxed." Sebastian closed his eyes and searched his mind. The first thing that came to mind was his guitar. The guitar he hadn't touched in three days, it must feel so neglected. But despite his feelings of guilty, it soothed him at the same time. "I've got it." He whispered. "Nice, now i want you to keep that image in your head and create an icicle." Party coached. Sebastian nodded, but was lost at where to start.

Rean sat in front of Emerson, the two of them just chilling on the floor. "Alright, ready Emerson? You're just going to do the same thing you did the first time. Open a portal." He said, making such a daunting task sound so easy. Emerson nodded, and raised his hands.
"No comet?" He checked, looking at Rean from the side of his eyes with a smirk. Rean scrunched up his face, shaking his head. "Preferably no comet. That's a mess I don't want to clean up." The pale eyed man said, revealing some of the laziness present in every human. It made him seem less deity, like he truly was, and more human like he was trying to be.

"Understandable." Emerson nodded, focusing on his task again. But, Rean interrupted him again.
"And, um, no pressure but please don't kill us. Space is cruel and mysterious, and it says a lot about you for you to have control over a small portion of it." Emerson narrows his eyes as he tried to interpret his mentor's words. "That's... reassuring?"
Rean jutted his lower lip in consideration. "It wasn't supposed to be. It's supposed to be a warning."
Emerson sighed in relief, glad he hadn't misinterpreted horribly. "Oh thank god. It felt vaguely threatening." But now he wasn't sure how to feel about Rean.
"Good. Now stop stalling."

I Don't Believe in Ghosts {Remington Leith}Where stories live. Discover now