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The rest of the day went by smoothly. It was strange, but by around 9pm Remington had almost forgotten everything that he went through less than twelve hours ago. It's a good thing Remington never prided himself on his memory. "Night guys." He yawned, getting up off the couch I was nestled in and shuffling off to bed without so much as a noncommittal wave.
"Goodnight asshole!" Emerson shouted after him, garnering an obscene gesture from Remington as he disappeared from Emerson's sight.

The atmosphere went quiet, and all Remington could hear was his heartbeat. A constant thumping, and a pressing silence on his ears soothed him, working to lull Remington into the lethargic state of still being aware of his surroundings, but dreaming at the same time. It also created a little anxiety deep in his chest, right below his heart. Remington's restless sleep was interrupted around two in the morning, when he felt a presence-no, three presences- hovering around him, making the room colder and heavier. His eyes opened, but his body was unable to move. Was this... sleep paralysis?

The figure to Remington's right emanated a green and jagged glow, pieces of its body not connecting correctly due to its shattered look. Its shoulder was four inches off, resulting in its body stacking like a jacked up staircase. It didn't have eyes, but Remington felt it staring at him. In front of Remington, with his hands on Remington's feet uncomfortably, stood another tall figure with a blue light surrounding it. This figure felt more stiff than the green one, which in comparison felt incredibly sinister. The blue figure was disinterested and disrespectful. To my Remington's was a woman. In fact, it was Sofia. She was creating a moonlit pond look at her feet, colors shifting between purple and teal around her. She felt safe and warm, and Remington wanted to move closer to her.

But it felt like he was chained to his bed. Remingtons limbs refused to move as he commanded them, which made his heart rate picked up in panic and his eyes darted between the trio, unfocused. The most pressing thing on Remington's mind was how he couldn't breathe.

"Remington, be calm." Sofia whispered, her voice washing over the man like a wave of hot water. His back muscles relaxed; Remington wasn't aware they were tense. He stared intensely at her, trying to convey any message at all, but she refused to look at him. "This cannot be the man we were promised." The green figure spoke. His- as Remington could now tell- voice was deep and mixed, sounding like four voices speaking at once. "He is, Jade. Please be openminded." Sofia countered. "I am all Minds. I need not be openminded."

If Remington didn't know better, he'd say that Jade was a bit of a smartass. But, it doesn't seem like the time to fixate on this. "Why are we here again, Sofia? I much rather be doing... anything else, really." The man at Remington's feet spoke, sounding very bored. He gave the impression of a stereotypical punk, the kid who was too cool to hang around any of the dweebs in his class in highschool. "We're here to discuss the situation before us as a council, Rean. Please be patient." Sofia said with boredom, much like a babysitter. "I'm always patient. As long as you don't ask for my attention, we're still cool."

Remington was getting the feeling these beings were actually siblings, based off how they behaved. "Fine. Speak then. We have the Veils, the Dark and the Light present, along with the Key. Council is in session. We are now permitted to... Relax. Ohhh that's better!" In the middle of his sentence, Jade morphed into a new person, a teenager with glowing green eyes and a slicker back hairdo. He smiled down at Remington, and he felt the restraints around his limbs loosen.

"Are there no chairs in your room, Remington?" Sofia asked, looking around. Remington's jaw popped open mutely as he shrugged halfheartedly. The light in the room faded, now the only illumination was from the moon seeping in through my blinds. Sofia remained unchanged, but Rein transformed into Patty, who Remington recognized from before. Patty plopped the onto bed as Remington drew his legs into his chest. Jade rolled his eyes and sat next to Remington, like this was a slumber party or something. "Hiya, I'm Rain, manifestation of the Dark, pleasure to meet you!" He offered his hand for Remington to shake. He shook it, assuming this is the best course of action.

"Remington, you already know Patty, he's the manifestation of the Light." Sofia reintroduced the duo. "Manifestation?" Remington asked, uttering the first word since the trio appeared. As a personal note to himself, Remington decided he needed to tell Emerson about this phenomenon, seeing as this is bordering on schizophrenic. "Officials, representatives, leaders, whatever you want to call it. We have a weird system, maybe I'll explain it someday. For now, we have to explain your role in this delicate balance between the three universes that exist stacked on top of each other."

Remington nodded, like He understood and was on board with all this. This is becoming a weird ass fever dream.

I Don't Believe in Ghosts {Remington Leith}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang