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"So what now? Do we have an epic. training. montage?" Sebastian punctuated his last words by punching the air, one fist after the other. Kristen looked up at him, a glimmer of humor in her eyes as she takes in his utterly ridiculous stance. One arm was bent at the elbow, his first level with his chest, the other was fully extended and aimed at Emerson's head. His legs were bent like he was doing a lunge, and overall he looked like an idiot in a suit.

"We could. Or we could goof off?" She responded, hands hanging off her belt loops. Remington noticed her index fingernail scratching on the cuticles, but didn't think much of it.

"I vote for goofing off, I dunno about the rest of you." Emerson shrugs, raising his hand in the air. Remington nodded enthusiastically. "Seconded!" He raised his hand. He looked at Kristen, who was sitting comfortably in his lap. "Can we leave? It's two to three."
"Mmmm actually it's two out of one-two-three-four-five, five! Two out of five." She counted around the room, finishing with an impish smile aimed at the monochrome themed man.
"Oh, okay, then how about you vote then." Remington sassed, getting a little into her face with a smile. There was about three inches between the couple, making Emerson and Sebastian exchange glances and knowing smirks with identical head shakes.

Classic Remington.

"I say we skip class. Fellas?" Kristen worked on standing up without hurting Remington, a delicate balance between crotch, leg and floor. Remington watched her warily, and held still knowing this was basically life or death.
"Can you really say that? Aren't you the teacher?" Emerson asked, helping Remington up with a firm hand after Kristen successfully navigated out of the way.
"Shut up, Em."
"Oh, nicknames already?" Sebastian teased, leaning his arm on Kristen's shoulder. She dipped under his weight, wincing at the sudden pressure on her shoulder while looking for Patty. After a back and forth sweep of the room, she concluded that Patty had left for other matters.

"Oh shush, I've had nicknames since the beginning of all this, Sebster." She smirked, digging her elbow into the taller mans ribs. He hissed, and jerked away from her pressure, but a smile was still on his face.
"Oooo kitty's got claws." Sebastian cooed. Kristen narrowed her eyes at him, while Emerson and Remington watched the interaction with interest. Kristen snapped her fingers, igniting her hand with green flames.
"Wanna run that by me again?"

"Hey sweetheart, I'm water. I can just-" he clicked his fingers like Kristen did, but nothing happened. All of Sebastian bravado dissolved, aided with Emerson and Remington's giggles.
"You can just what?" Kristen asked with a smug smile, making her flames crawl through the air unnaturally and wiggle under Sebastians nose. He stuttered out a response. "That's what I thought. I don't feel like smelling burnt hair all day, so just take this as a warning, yeah?" And just like that, the flames blinked out of existence.

"Still think we should skip class?" Emerson muttered, eyeing Kristen as she stared off into a corner. She reminded him of a cat, just randomly staring into a dark abyss. "I mean, we could use this time to-"
"Blah blah blah, always the respectable one, this guy." Remington interrupted Emerson and put him in a head lock. The younger sibling bared his teeth and tried to bite his brother's arm, but his brothers hold was just tight enough to keep Emerson from maneuvering like that.

"Where do we wanna go?" Kristen asked suddenly, snapping out of her gaze. The three brothers looked at each other, then simultaneously said "Park", "Home", and "Paris".

Remington and Sebastian looked at Emerson with surprise. The younger boy shrugged, "Hey, she's got powers, why not get creative?"
"I mean, he's not wrong. What's a little exploitation nowadays, anyway?"
"See? Krissies fine with it!"
"How do you guys feel about...trampoline parks?" Kristen asked with a gleam in her eye, looking over her shoulder at the trio as she did some motions with her hands. It looked like sign language to Sebastian, but he could also just be seeing things.

"A what?" Remington asked, genuinely confused. His expression was mirrored in his siblings faces; Kristen's face dropped into an expression of shock.
"Oh you poor, sheltered babies." And with that remark, she let her arms move above her hand and fall sharply, all fingers pointed stiffly towards the floor. The scene moved like the heat in a desert, it looked like a horrible transition in a cheesy movie.

The Kropp siblings looked around, hands in their pockets as they watched with barely suppressed childlike wonder.

The floor under their feet turned into a galaxy printed carpet. Directly in front of them was a ramp, which led the way to the elevated floor with squared and rectangles cut out, trampolines set up in them. The walls were at least twenty feet tall, half of the height was covered with slanted trampoline to bounce off of; the uncovered walls were dirty gray and made of cement, making the room giving off the vibe of a revamped abandoned warehouse. Off to the left on the elevated portion of the room, another ramp opened up an area set up like a ball pit. Except, this ball pit was filled with foam squares, a rectangular trampoline stretched about ten feet in front of the pit.  To the right, was a sectioned off area to play dodgeball, with trampolines of course.

The smell of plastic and disinfectant filled the quartets noses as Kristen made a satisfied "hmmph" noise. She turned to face the boys, and snapped her fingers. All four of them were now in muscle shirts and tank tops respectively, and socks with plastic grips on the bottom.

"This, boys, is an exact replica of a trampoline park I visited often about three years ago. Minus the people and party rooms." She stood proudly in front of the siblings, excitement shining in her eyes. "You wanted to skip, right? Then let's skip!" Kristen cheered, then she darted off up the ramp. The siblings took a few seconds to take in the new surroundings and information -that Kristen did in fact have a social life-  before running after her with smiles on their faces. They felt like teenagers again, such a childish scenario of "skipping class" really made them nostalgic.

Under the constant stress of tour and practice, with the added revelation of magic and ghosts, a moment like this to just forget everything and everyone but themselves was just... wonderful. It was exhilarating.

Remington watched as Kristen made a beeline for the foam pit, her body doing natural cartwheels on the trampolines until she rolled right into the soft cubes. She laughed all the way, an infectious smile on her face, so wide her eyes just looked like lines. Her legs were trapped in between the foam squares as she used her arms to drag her body out of the pit just to start the process over again. Sebastian was on the trampoline directly next to Kristen's, jumping higher and higher as he made his way to the pit, hair bouncing up and down majestically. He cannon balled with a happy shout, which quickly turns to curses as he struggled to get out. He couldn't get any leverage with his legs, the foam squares just collapsing with his every attempt.

"Need some help there, Sebastian?" Emerson asked with a smug grin as he crouched right on the edge of the pit. Sebastian growled as he clawed at the cubes in front of him, Emerson watching while giggling mercilessly. He offered his hand to his older brother to help him out, but Sebastian just grabbed his wrist and pulled him in with him.

Emerson yelped briefly before his upper body was submerged in the cubes, his legs kicking fruitlessly above him. Kristen didn't know if she needed to dig him out, or laugh along with the brothers. She chose both, not liking the conflict of interest.

"Douche bag." Emerson muttered as he fished his crumpled hat out of the pit, slamming it back over his hair.
"I don't know Em, it looked pretty funny." Kristen chuckled, her face dropping as Emerson turned to her.
"Oh really? Then how about you try it?!" He laughed, starting to try and grab the woman. Kristen screamed and ran off, bouncing to get some speed and crashing into walls gracelessly as Emerson chased her, tripping over his feet and tumbling all over the place.

Needless to say, there were plenty of videos taken by Sebastian and Remington. Who could pass up reliving such a hilarious sight?

I Don't Believe in Ghosts {Remington Leith}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora