My band R5 had been getting bigger and a lot of people knew who we were now. I wouldn't classify myself or my family has "famous" but I would say we are known. It truly did amaze me what I have been able to experience but I didn't want to rub that in Laura's face. That's why I wasn't making it a big deal. It is a big deal for me don't get me wrong, Laura doesn't need to know that though.

"I knew you weren't telling me the truth!" Laura says raising her voice once again.

"Shhh! I know it's exciting but you don't need to be that loud." I laugh.

"Aww c'mon get loud, loud, let it out." Laura jokes.

"Oh my god." I say slightly embarrassed for Laura.

Laura is nearly in tears with her little joke. I laugh but not because it was funny. I laugh because I didn't know someone could laugh so much at something so lame. That's Laura for you.

I stare at her waiting for her to stop. Laura finally pulls herself together.

"Sorry." She says quietly.

"It's fine, I just don't understand why you were laughing so much." I say while smiling at her.

"I don't know either." She says laughing again.

"You know you're really something Laura." I speak while shaking my head.

It was starting to get late but I didn't want to say goodbye just yet.

"Hey Laura, you wanna drive somewhere? I ask making the conversation more serious.

She looked at me confused and a bit worried.

"What do you have in mind." She answers a bit apprehensive about where this conversation is going.

"It's nothing bad, I swear. I found this really cool lookout awhile ago. I haven't really shown anyone it before but I think you'll really like it." I say hopefully.

"Really, are you sure? She questions.

"Yeah, of course. You can see the whole of L.A, it's breath taking." I say while imagining it in my head.

"Well only if you're sure I don't want to intrude." Laura says innocently.

"Laura, you won't be intruding. I want you to come. It wouldn't be the same without you." I smile at her.

Laura smiles then looks down.

"It's getting late you sure you don't have anywhere to be? Won't someone be wondering where you are?" I ask.

She looks upset for a second and slumps down a bit. I think she realised I notice so she tried to brush it off.

"No I don't have anywhere to be." She says while putting on her biggest smile.

"Okay if you say so. I'm going to get us some food just incase we get hungry up there." I say before rushing off.

"Did you bring your car here?" I ask while we walk outside.

"No I walked, is yours here?" She asks.

"Uh huh." I respond.

Laura follows me to my car and we both hop in.

We drove up to the lookout. By the time we got up there it was completely dark besides from all the lights. We get out the car and up to the ledge.

"Wow." Laura whispers.

"I know." I say back to her.

"Wow, just wow." She repeats herself.

"I come up here when I need to think, clear my head." I say while looking out into the city.

Accidentally In Love // RauraWhere stories live. Discover now