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- Nico-

Will's pack was nice. But it wasn't home. I sighed as I remembered the river with the beautiful water that ran over the smooth stones and the evergreen trees. The crisp air and the sunlight falling through the branches to make a beautiful pattern on the forest floor.

" What's wrong?" Will asked.

" Nothing." I said. " It's beautiful, I just miss my pack."

Of course. I thought. It won't be my pack for long. Not if Will makes me his official mate on the full moon in front of the pack.

Part of me wanted to stay wherever Will was and never leave him. But the other side of me wanted to go back to mine and Bianca's house and make her pancakes and read her school essays and run with my pack, the way that Will did with his.

" Hey!" A guy ran up. " Will." He said greeting my mate. " And you must be Nico." He said looking to me.

I nodded as I felt the tension rise. Will didn't like him here.

Me and the guy both turned our heads to Will. " Will." The guy said calmly. " I'm not going to try and take your mate. I have Calypso."

The tension relaxed, not fully, but Will seemed much better.

I didn't know why, but I reached out a hand and placed it on Will's arm. The tension was gone now and Will slumped a bit.

" T- Thanks." He got out.

" Hey man It's fine." The guy said. " I almost blinded you with a spoon when I was mating Calypso. No judgments."

I chocked on a laugh and the guy turned his eyes towards me. " Think that's funny do you? Just wait."

" Leo." Will warned.

The guy, Leo just laughed. His mischievous eyes gleaming.

We walked some more, Leo leaving to go take care of something.

We saw most of the houses. The lake, baseball field and basketball court. We saw Delia who had any book you could want and her house kind of acted as a library, the infirmary. We saw the punishment house ( Which Will told me would be removed when he was Alpha but not to tell his father.). And other things the pack had.

Finally, it started to get dark and asked Will if we could go home. Will grinned like the Cheshire cat at my choice of wording and I blushed.

" Sure." He said. " There wasn't much left to see anyway."

We walked back to his house and I fell asleep on the couch waiting for the Chinese food to arrive.

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