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The door closed behind us. I could tell whatever Will's mom has done to him and his father was wearing off.

Will stared at me for a few seconds before blinking.

I waited.

Wills eyes flashed, going from blue to gold.

I held my breath. I had absolutely no idea what to do when it came to wolves. Even when they were my mate.

Will, however, seemed to know exactly what to do. Maybe it was something that everybody did. Or maybe he was doing whatever he wanted.

As he moved closer to me I decided I really didn't care.

The smell of Arousal filled the room.

I shivered, and Will pounced.

Swiftly, he moved one hand behind my head, moving my face closer to his. The kiss was full of want. Will whines as my hands twirled in his hair.

Will moved us, pushing us against the wall and moving so our bodies were flush with the other.

We never broke the kiss, his hands traveled down my back and he pulled away for a split second, tugging at the hem of my shirt, question on his eyes.

I nodded, impatient for more.

Will tugged my shirt off and settled his hands at my waist. It wasn't long before they started traveling up and down my back.

I reached for Wills shirt, pulling it off of him, letting my hands explore his chest and back.

We kissed for quite a while, before Will stopped.

I whined, looking at him.

Will pulled me closer to him in a giant bear hug he pressed his head in the crook of my neck and inhaled.

I tilted my head back, knowing, or sensing, that he needs this.

Will inhaled again.

" Nico-" He said.

" Will." I answered.

" Can I- Will you-" Will stopped, he didn't have the words. Slowly, he lifted his head up to look at me.

The mate bond. I realized. He wants to know if I accept, if he can mark me as his own.

I nodded at him. Wasn't the kiss(es) answer enough?

As soon as I saw him-

Will's relief spread through his whole body and he kissed me gently before he bit my neck.

It didn't hurt. It burned, but not in a bad way.

Will and I slid down the wall, me sitting in his lap. We fell asleep like that. In each other's arms, together.

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