"I think I'm going to quit and then start up when I'm ready." I told him.

"Wait, what? Are you sure?" He asked sounding less sure than I was. I sighed.

"Yes I'm sure. People have always wanted me to go to school and I have everything handed to me. I have a full ride scholarship handed to me while others can't get one scholarship. It's not for me." I explained. Kendall sighed.

"Were you contemplating this while on your pain meds?" He asked trying to sound like a joke but I knew he meant it seriously. I laughed.

"Doc said the pain meds only last four hours. I've been thinking about it for three and I can tell they've worn off me." I told him knowing I wanted to stop going to school.

"What will you do with your life then? Watch movies on netflix?" He asked sounding a little disappointed. I sighed.

"I was actually going to start volunteering and working. Maybe even throw a few parties here and there for my famous friends Big Time Rush, I don't know if you've heard of them." I giggled. Kendall sighed after laughing for a moment.

"Volunteering where?" Kendall asked me.

"Homeless shelter. Public library." I replied.

"Working where?" He asked.

"Anywhere." I answered. He stayed quiet a moment.

"Wanna throw a party for us soon?" He asked me. I giggled.

"How soon?" I asked him. He cleared his throat.

"This Thursday." He told me. Four days away, I assumed it was possible.

"Okay. What for?" I asked him.

"Last episode premieres then and so it'll be like a viewing party for the younger actors  and guests that are invited as well. But then there's an after party that'll be for twenty one and over, and you and Gabby of course." Kendall said. I smiled happily, I wanted to do this.

"Okay, where?" I asked him. He scoffed.

"You're the party planner, you come up with that." He said jokingly. I laughed.

"Okay, I'll get to that." I told him. We talked for a few minutes more and then we finished up. Kendall told me that he would set me up with the title of Party Planner with the network and he actually got them to email me over their information and sent over Logan later with a designated card with fifty thousand dollars on it to get the locations of both the screening party and the after party.

"Thanks." I told him after inviting him in and he handed me an envelope. He nodded with a grin.

"Just doing my job." He said smiling. I nodded and sat the envelope on the counter next to my laptop and little party planning area. "Hey, so I have a question. What's with that little piece of paper Kendall keeps around in his pocket? Did you notice that he's been holding onto it too?" Logan asked me. I turned slowly in the bar stool to face him standing there with his hands in his pockets.

"It's for me actually." I smiled shyly. He raised his eye brows and then walked over to the counter and stood three feet away from me.

"What is it? He's obsessed with it. He's always taking it out and looking at it." He asked confused as to why Kendall would have my piece of paper. He was obsessed? Hardly, he was just probably looking the next thing he could help me with.

"It's a list. I never lived my life before and on that list are wild acts I'd like to live through. He's the one who got me to get a tattoo, go to Disneyland, get my nose pierced, and I originally came up with last night, but Kendall made it a little more crazy but it was an adventure which is what I wanted." I smiled explaining it trying to not sound totally crazy. He watched me carefully and then smiled.

"That's actually pretty cool." He agreed. I widened my eyes.

"Really?" I asked him. He laughed.

"Totally. It's cool he's helping you, and you're coming out of your shell. What else is on that list?" He asked. I blushed and looked down at my lap where my broken arm rested.

"Some personal things that I don't know how he will accomplish because we're just friends. But then there's a few other things, like drugs, alcohol, and a hippy van." I informed him as if that was normal. Logan laughed.

"Okay, that's, uh, interesting." He smiled at me. I nodded.

"What can I say? I'm living on the edge." I said making him laugh which made me laugh.

"Okay, well I better get back to set. I didn't have a scene for awhile so they wanted me to drop this off and hurry back. So, good luck." He said with his hand on the counter smiling again. He was quiet handsome. I wondered if he had made a pass at Gabby yet. He was a really nice guy in person just as you'd assume he'd be without meeting him.

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