“What time is it?” I asked my voice a bit hoarse from my throat being dry.

“4 in the morning.” He says as he pulls me to sit up as he reaches over to grab a bottle of water to hand it to me, “Drink.”

Letting go of his hand, I took the water in mind. I hadn’t realize my hands were slightly trembling until I took the water and took a drink.

“Better?” he asked after I drank nearly half of the bottle.

I nodded as I handed him the bottle back in which he closed the top on it and placed it back on the dresser. Moving in front of me he sits in a chair that I noticed he was sitting in the last time I woke up. Looking him over as he sits, he wore a regular tshirt, and a pair of sweats, looking at his face, I noticed the faint dark circles beginning to form under his eyes.

“Have you slept at all?”

He shakes his head, “No.”

“Why not?”

“I was watching you, to make sure you didn’t have any setbacks from the medicine given to you.”

“If I didn’t have a setback after it was given, I’m pretty sure its okay. You need to get some sleep.”

He shrugs with one arm, lazily, as he says, “I’m fine, I’ll sleep later.”

I rolled my eyes as he smirks and says, “Why do you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Roll your eyes.” He smiles, “You’re going to end up rolling them and their going to get stuck in the back of your head.”

“I’ll stop if you stop being hardheaded and go to sleep.”

“I’m not being hard headed.” He says simply, “I’m fine.” Running a hand through his hair he says, “How do you feel? Still drowsy?”

I nodded as I yawned, “Yeah.”

“It’s the medicine, it should be out of your system in a few hours. You should go back to sleep.”

“I’ll go back to sleep if you go to sleep.”

Watching me for a second he takes a hair tie from around his wrist, a hair tie that I realized was the one he took from me, as he ties his hair into a bun as he says, “Fine.” Propping his arm on the armrest he leans his head against his hand as he says, “Lay down and get some rest, I have to have you back at your flat before 9.”

Nodding, since I could feel the medicine making me tired all over again I laid down, pulling the blankets that were covered in Harry’s scent, up over me as I laid facing his way. His eyes were closed and he looked hell of uncomfortable in that chair.

“You know I can sleep on the floor and you can take the-“

“We aren’t talking about this again,” he says with a yawn, “Go to sleep Pebbles.”

Rolling my eyes again I closed my eyes as he says, “I saw that.”

“You saw nothing.” I smiled.

Laying there facing him my eyes were closed, but I could feel Harry watching me. The room was quiet, besides the faint sound of it still raining echoing from outside. I shifted and turned a bit, not able to get comfortable. I mean who could get comfortable with knowing the fact that Harry Freaking Styles was watching them. At this rate I would never fall back asleep with him watching me. To be Honest I wanted him to lay beside me, because the stuff that happened with Ty and Rick still scared me, but I wasn’t going to tell him that. I didn’t know if we were at that stage in our relationship yet. Hell I don’t even know how things like that even go about. I mean do I lay on his arm, or his chest? If I lay on his arm how long do I lay on him before his arm falls asleep from the weight of my head?

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