His mom can't die. She can't die. He needs her. JungKookie needs his mother and he doesn't deserve the pain he's going through. His mother can't die. It's not fair. He needs her.

I don't want him to go through what I have. He doesn't deserve this.

He really doesn't deserve this.

He deserves to be happy.

I break in sobs and cries, intending to cry to the point my whole body feels numb. Maybe this way I'll be able to get rid of the bad thoughts. I feel arms wrapping around me, but I'm not even sure who that is, I can't even open my eyes. The tears just come and come and I feel my face getting swollen, I feel that kind of fever heat taking over my body and I try to wipe my tears over and over again but they just don't stop from falling.

Eventually, my whole body feels sore and a terrible headache hits me. I adjust my position in such way that I can lie on the sofa I was sitting on and my brother stands up.

After that, a heavy sleep takes over me.


I wake up in darkness. The moonlight was the only source of lighting in the room so I guessed I slept for quite some time.

I try to sit and I hear voices coming from the kitchen. I frown and stand up slowly, trying not to lose my balance. I was trying to watch my feet, but it was too dark for that. Therefore the only good thing I could do was hope I won't trip over anything.

As I was getting closer, I could hear the conversation better.

"Yeah, it's set to start at the beginning of next year..."


"How long will it last?"

That's my brother.

And I guess they're having one of their boring conversations again.

"I don't know..."

What are they talking about, though? I get closer to the kitchen, hiding behind the wall to eavesdrop their conversation.

"I see." I hear my brother saying. "Have you told her?"


"Jimin." Hoseok sighs, confirming my assumptions regarding the identity of the other person.

"I know, hyung..." Jimin says. "Don't worry about that."

"Hello." I say as I step in the kitchen, both my brother and Jimin looking at me surprised.

I spot a steaming mug on the counter, behind the table the two boys were sitting at and I step towards it to check if it's my tea.

"Is this my tea?" I ask, looking at the dark liquid.

"Yes..." I hear my brother saying.

I take the mug in my hands, assuming my brother has prepared another cup of tea for me, because the one I was supposed to drink before I fell asleep surely turned cold. I take a sip while turning around to look at the two boys drown in silence now.

"What?" I ask, a bit annoyed.

Hoseok shakes his head without saying anything.

"How are you feeling?" Jimin asks me and I look at him.

I blink. Should I lie or tell the truth?

Screw the beautiful lies.

"Horrible." I answer.

Then I glance at my brother.

"Have you told him?" I ask and he lifts his head to look at me.

"I have." He answers and I nod.

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