Chapter 36 - Abandoned by the chosen ones

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Our fight must've lasted for a while considering the fact that I couldn't hear any participants. All I heard was my own breathing, which was unsteady and loud. I'd stood motionless for several minutes, not daring to turn around. Even when hearing someone approaching me, I stood frozen in my position. I was shocked to the core and not to say the least, I was utterly petrified.

It was Shane who'd walked towards me, or... us. He cast a glance at whatever sight was behind me before he looked at me directly. For the first time ever, he appeared to be surprised. His lips pressed together as he further examined the man who was laying on the icy cold floor. "I'll take care of this later. We should leave now," he said calmly. My voice refused to obey me, as did my whole body. I couldn't answer him no matter how much I wanted to. "You're in shock, Elaine," he said, stepping closer. I'd seen dead people countless times, but I hadn't been in this situation before. One wrong move and I could've been the one on the floor instead...

I never got to see the deceased participant myself. Honestly, everything that happened after his death was a huge blur to me, but I'm sure I would've remembered the sight of his dead body. Nonetheless, even though I never saw him for myself, I'd created dreadful pictures in my mind, and Shane's description of him proved my imagination to be accurate. The arrow had hit him right in the neck.

"The participant who died was Adam Caldwell. He was a popular topic for many, including other participants, the chosen and them. I've been told to observe him as he was a person of interest for them. Anyway, last night many mistakes were made, but not by leaders. They messed up the system and placed Adam on the first floor when he should've been on the second. I found out about this too late, hence why you ended up facing him. You should know that there are a lot of rumours surrounding your name now. Adam was the one who beat up Phoenix, and if I hadn't come to help him, Phoenix would likely have been dead by now. It truly baffled people that you survived the violent encounter with Adam. I don't know how you did it, but that's impressive, Elaine. Nonetheless, don't become arrogant because of this. You had luck on your side, don't take that for granted in the future," Shane said. "I eh," I paused, "I don't know where I stand in this mess," I continued. "I get that you're confused, many are. You stand as a leader, just remember that. Rumours will spread now, and you'll have to do anything you can to build up your reputation and maintain it," he answered. "How many will hear of this occurrence?" I questioned. "Eventually, everyone will." I exhaled and let my head lower. This was exactly what I feared would happen. "Manu," I said softly, shaking my head faintly. I won't be able to explain myself to anyone as I'm not allowed to have connections with participants as anything but a leader. I'll be known as a cold-blooded killer. In other words, as the new and ruthless leader.

When Shane left me alone, I took some time to think for myself. I'd read through several messages from Efrain and went back and forth on whether I should call him or not. The rumours would reach him at some point, they always do. It's just a question of time, and I knew very well that I had to move forward carefully. Losing Efrain's trust is one of the worst things that could happen to me honestly. He's a wise person with a lot of knowledge and power that's helped me numerous times. Standing alone without his help sounds utterly hopeless.

I decided to call Efrain as the paranoia was eating me alive. Usually, he picked up quickly, but this time he was relatively slow. Therefore, when the beep sounds disappeared, and his voice took over, I felt indescribably relieved. "Elaine? I was worried for so long, damn it," he sighed. I leaned my head back against the wall, listening to his rambling that followed. "We should talk, Efrain," I said after he finished talking. "Uh oh, you said my name like someone died. Are you okay?" he questioned worriedly. "Actually, I-" I started. "Hold on," he interrupted, and I was frustrated to figure out why. I heard Cole's loud and cold voice in the background. He was furious about something as per usual, and had come to blurt it all out to Efrain... this could take a while.

"I reckon you've heard?" Cole said. I felt a lump in my stomach growing. The rumours couldn't have reached Cole already, could they? "Heard what?" Efrain asked bluntly. "Well, first off, Elaine Dawson is a fucking leader! She murdered one of the best participants out there in a couple of minutes. That same participant almost got Phoenix Adair killed, and he had already taken the life of his own partner," Cole blurted out. "Participants tend to over exaggerate. We have no way of knowing if this is true or-" Efrain started. "It's true. She was seen with Shane earlier today shortly after Adam was killed. I don't think you see the seriousness in this, Efrain. You've worked with Elaine behind my back, and now she's working with our worst enemies. Honestly, how blind and ignorant can you be? I should've had you discharged and locked up long ago, but I've let you off because of your skills as a chosen one. Now, this is your very last chance," he warned, "cut all contact with Elaine and stick to the rules," he further demanded.

I'd hoped that Efrain would at least hear me out before believing everything Cole had said, but I was disappointed to hear the line die. The only person I could trust entirely right now had abandoned me completely. I didn't kill anyone. Adam Caldwell was killed by an arrow, but it wasn't mine. I exhaled loudly as the thoughts of Manu came to mind eventually. If Efrain, one that I talk to frequently and trust, believes the rumours that easily, then what will Manu do? We haven't spoken in ages, and I disappeared without even explaining why. Surely he must think I betrayed them all and converted to the dark side. If only I'd gone to another corridor... 

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