Part 34

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I waited by the track to watch ken race, my heart was still beating fast. And so many thoughts raced through my mind. I was so excited. I saw ken rush by and glare at me, I yelled for him as he passed my spot. His foot lifted up switching the gear higher as he got faster over the sand whoops, which he was extraordinarily good at. I watched the others race by and waited for the next lap. Kelly approached me and stood to my side. "I can't believe it." I nearly cried, "I just want to wrap him in a hug and never let go!" I continued. "I've had that feeling before." Kelly said. I nodded. "Mom?" I asked looking down. "Yep." He said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "It was her time baby girl." Kelly said. I nodded. A lot of time had passed in the moments of silence. Grant Langstons voice was loud when he announced Kens win. I grabbed Kelly's hand and rushed to him. I grabbed Kens arm and spun him around giving him a hug and a kiss. Grant approached me with his arms out wide. I hugged him and almost cried. Today had been such and amazing day. "Go back to your man." Grant said, patting my back as I returned to Ken and he completes his interview with Georgia Lindsay. "Oh! And this is my beautiful fiancé, (Y/N)." Ken told Georgia, and the world while kissing my cheek. I nestled my head into his shoulder, and smiled. "I love you." He said as Georgia walked away. "I love you too." I said.

I just wanna say thank you guys so much for all the support on this story!! As long as y'all keep reading I'll keep updating!

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