He gets shot/stabbed

Start from the beginning

Management hopped right one the shooter’s case, finding her in a matter of minutes. While paramedics were waited on, you held Liam, singing him songs, while he cried out in pain, trying to smile every once and a while. 

The girl was taken into custody before Liam got helped. When medics arrived they told you you couldn’t ride with Liam but that was the first thing Liam said - you must come with them. They settled, and sat you next to Liam, holding his hand while he cried in pain. Upon arriving at the ER, he was rushed into surgery, since they thought it broke a bone. You called Liam’s family, telling them everything, and sobbed away to them. They tried comforting you, espeically Ruth who was first to arrive. The whole Payne family was there when he was rolled out of surgery, concious and everything. Liam held you hand, as he explained they even kept him awake. 

Liam cut a deal with the nurses for you to stay over night, but the boys had to autograph pictures for them. Even though there was a cot, Liam made you crawl into bed with him, cuddling against him, making him feel so much better.

Louis- Louis was the sassiest one in the band, it was a fact, and always had been, but when Louis was asking you to come on a short vacation with him, it was all sweet, no sass. 

There was an award show the boys had to preform at, and they were staying in New York for a couple of days, so Louis wanted to take you since your birthday was coming up. The weather was beautiful, as he’d say, making you go for a walk with him round the park.

The neighborhood, nor park, was the best, and very notorious for shootings, but you didn’t mind it. His body guards stayed a couple of feet away, giving you and him privacy for you to feel like you were actually on a date.

Sitting on the swings, you leaned over to kiss him, the body guards right behind you both when the tried to jump in front of you and Louis - but they were to late. They screamed, as well as you. You only screamed because there was a loud bang, and also the body guards and Louis were screaming. When you opened your eyes, you saw Louis on the ground, the body guards hovering over him. You crouched down, holding his shoulder, taking your shirt off to tend to his wound. The body guards called 911, paramedics arriving quickly since they were down the street. They rolled Louis away from you, taking him in the ambulance - without you. You ran to the hotel, making Niall drive you to the hospital, despite yourself being a mess. You were shirtless until Niall gave you his shirt, and crying, your hair not to perfect either, but your true love just got shot. You weren’t worried about the shooter, or how you looked. You were worried about Louis. You ran to meet him in the emergency where they explained the bullet didn’t go deep so they didn’t need to have surgery, and he would be perfectly fine. You ran up to Louis, kissing him and hugging him. 

"I love you so much," you tell him, tears running down your cheeks. The only thing Louis says is "Why are you wearing Niall’s shirt? If you want you can wear your boyfriends shirt even though it has a hole in the shoulder and blood on it…"

Niall- Niall cared so much about his girlfriends, you could tell. He’d take a bullet for the one he loved, and you were no exception, except he’d take a million bullets for you, because you were his fiancee, his love, his soul mate. Everything was perfect about you to him. 

Many fans sent you hate saying to they wish you were dead, but Niall’s management assured you it was ok, it was only because you basically took Niall away. Once you two announced you were getting married, the hate really rolled in, some going as far as to say they would murder you.

Niall took you to the state park you were in. He’d taken you to his show, and decided to spend a couple of days here. You were walking past beautiful orchids, and a nice pond. Niall and you were holding hands, talking about getting married. “Our wedding will be so beautiful,” Niall said, smiling. He leaned over to kiss you, when his blue eyes widen so much. He spun you around, and laid you on the ground, laying on top of you, dragging himself and you into a nearby bush. There were loud rings in your ear, but you didn’t know what happened, still. You were in a fetal position, Niall holding you tightly, not letting go. The riings stopped, but in a matter of seconds you felt warm ooze running down your back, going through your shirt. You were hyperventilated, unknown what was happening. You flipped Niall over who was screaming in pain. You pulled his shirt off, wrapping it around his stomach. There was a clear hole, and if you squinted after cleaning his wound, there was a shiny bullet lodged inside his stomach. You were crying terribly, as was he. Sirens were everywhere, but you were scared they might have been to late. His eyes rolled back into his head, himself slipping out of conciousness. That was when paramedics took him away from you, you running to the car and following the ambulance. Niall was rushing into surgery, and almost died. You ran out of tears, crying so much. He came out of surgery, awake, and you lost it. You were crying terribly, as you asked him a billion questions. He kissed you, wincing by having to lean up and a little and assured you were fine. He saved your life.

Zayn- "Zayn?" you asked, looking around for your boyfriend. He was just outside waiting for you in the park restroom, but now he was no where to be seen. For 5 minutes you waited, and then you began getting worried. He was an international pop star, after all. "Zayn?"

Suddenly after another 10 minutes of running around looking for him, you heard his voice call out “Help!” His voice soon became muffled and you hurried to find him. Finally in a deserted alley way you noticed Zayn in the back, a man on top of him. The man on top had a knife. You gasped, but then ran away. Hiding behind a tree you called Emergency, and left the phone on the ground, and ran toward the man. The way he was on top of Zayn, you knocked him over, but he was on top of you next thing you knew. Zayn stood up, and pushed him off, you laying helpless on the ground. “What the fuck (Y/N)?!” Suddenly the man ran at Zayn, pulling his knife out, sticking it into his stomach about forty times. Finally the man gave up and ran away, leaving you to try to save his life even though it was useless. Sirens were everywhere, but all you could do was stare into Zayn’s hurt eyes. You pushed his wounds, trying to put pressure on them so they’d stop bleeding but there were to many punctare wounds. You cried out his name but it was useless. You held him in your arms, but watched him go from in pain to lifeless (Oh my god I Know I hate myself too)

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