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Harry: Everything went black. You couldn’t hear or feel anything either. Who were those five people? Were they going to save you? Or were they there just to join the boys who had started the attack? You couldn’t be sure, but all you knew was that you were alone. You finally felt the strength to open up your eyes. The flickered open but shut when they were greeted by a bright light. Slowly, you tried again and this time, when you opened them, a younger woman was standing over you. “What?” was all you said. “You’re in the hospital love,” she said softly. “Why?” “Do you not remember? Your boyfriend and his mates found you being beat. You were in quite a state love.” She explained. You didn’t think Harry was even home. “Are they here? Can I see them?” you asked. “I’m sure they’d be more than pleased, your boyfriend has been an absolute wreck since he brought you in here,” she answered, leaving the room to go get them. A couple minutes later, there was your boyfriend. He ran into the room and stopped, kneeling in front of you. He took your hand in his and lightly kissed it. The other boys came in shortly after. They all looked exhausted and Harry looked like he had been crying. “I’m so sorry (Y/N),” he said, another round of tears coming on. The four others came over to give you a hug and kiss on the cheek before leaving the room so you could be with Harry. “Harry, don’t apologize… it wasn’t your fault.” “But I could’ve stopped them! If I hadn’t left, then this wouldn’t have happened.” You looked at him, feeling bad that he was blaming himself. But then another question clicked in your head. “Wait, aren’t you supposed to be on tour?” you asked. “Yeah… I came home early to surprise you.” Your heart fluttered. “I’m sorry you had to come home to this,” you chuckled dryly. But Harry didn’t laugh. “Harry, I’m sorry,” you continued, returning to your solemn state. He shook his head, his messy curls flying around. He didn’t say any more. He gripped onto your hand and leaned up to kiss you. “Harry…” you asked with a yawn. “Yes love?” “Did they… you know, do anything else to me?” you said, fearing the answer. “No! No, no, they didn’t babe…” You let out the breath you didn’t know you had been holding in and nodded. Harry kissed your forehead as you shut your eyes. “I’ll be here when you wake up love,” he whispered, putting his head down and falling asleep next to you.

Liam: (His P.O.V) I was getting more and more nervous. (Y/N) hadn’t been answering any of my calls all day. I knew she was sick, so maybe she was asleep and couldn’t hear the phone, but when I called every two hours or so and she still wasn’t picking up. I needed to know if she was okay. I felt like I was going crazy. I needed to think of somebody to go check on her, just so I was sure she was okay. I scrolled through my contacts when I came upon (Y/N)’s best friend’s number. I hit the call button and felt relief when the dial tone began to ring. She picked up after two rings. “Hi, it’s Liam,” I greeted. “Oh! Hi Liam! What’s up?” she asked. “Have you heard from (Y/N) at all?” I asked, hoping she would say something like they just finished dinner. “No, Liam. Sorry I haven’t. Haven’t you?” I shook my head, but then remembered I was on the phone. “I haven’t and I’m getting worried. She said she wasn’t feeling well, so I’m scared something might have happened,” I explained. “Oh okay… I’ll go check on her okay? I’ll call you when I find out anything. Promise. Talk to you soon Liam.” “Thank you, bye.” Now all I had to do was wait. I tried to distract myself by doing a twitcam, playing on my phone, anything… Finally, after what felt like hours of waiting, my phone rang, (Y/BFF/N) popping up on the screen. “Hello?” I answered. “Liam, I called 911, they’re on their way,” she said with a tearful voice. My heart pounded in my chest. “Why?! What happened? Tell me what happened!” “I came over to check on her and when she didn’t answer the door, I used the spare key to get in and I was looking for her and-and…” “Please (Y/BFF/N), just tell me,” I begged. “She was unconscious at the top of the stairs…” she trailed off. My words got caught up in my throat. “Liam, the ambulance is here… I think you should come home.” She was crying, just as scared as I was. “I’m booking a flight, right now. Thank you so much love, I’ll see you soon.” I hung up as the sobs began to emerge. Niall walked in, his arms around me when he saw I was crying. “Liam?” “I’m going home. (Y/N) collapsed. I need to be there.” Niall nodded in understanding as I got up and going to my computer. I needed to be with her.

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