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(Night Eating Syndrome)

You peeked over at Liam, making sure he was asleep before you snuck out of bed and headed down to the kitchen. You quietly made your way down the dimly lit hallway, trying not to do anything that would wake Liam up. You didn’t want him to see what you were doing.

You had night eating syndrome, meaning you would eat pretty much nothing all day and then binge at night. I wasn’t a huge binge, but it was more food than you needed. You began to pull out materials to make a sandwich. Baguette bread, cheddar cheese, lettuce, turkey, tomatoes… Everything you could think of. You out it all together and was just about to take a bite when you heard a cough from behind you. You spun around, the filling sandwich still in your hands. Liam stood there with a worried look on his face.

"What are you doing up Liam?" you asked, putting the food down and feeling the blush rise up to your cheeks.

"I felt you get up…" he answered softly and you mentally cursed yourself for not waiting longer. "Why are you eating so late love?"

"I-I was hungry?" you said, more of a question than a statement.

"Did you even eat today (Y/N)? You barely touched your food at dinner and I don’t recall you having any breakfast either." You couldn’t reply to that one because you knew it was true. "You know what (Y/N), now that I think of it you never eat during the day… Does this happen every night?"

You only nodded your head as the tears streamed down your face. “I’m sorry Liam… I don’t know what’s wrong with me…”

He walked over to you and took you into his arms. “Baby, nothing’s wrong with you. You’re beautiful and amazing and I love you for you. Don’t ever think anything’s wrong with you. This is a problem, yes, but if you get the proper help, you will overcome it. And I’ll be with you every step of the way okay? You’ll never be alone as long as I live.”

You cracked a smile. How could you not after his touching words. “I want help Liam… And if you’re willing to stay with me, I’ll get better faster. Thank you so much. I can’t thank you enough.”

He held your hands tightly in his and kissed you softly on the lips.

"Lets go back to bed. I’ll stay up until you fall asleep, okay?" You nodded and put the food back in the fridge,following Liam back up to the bedroom.

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