He helps you out of an abusive relationship.

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Niall- * he helps you from your boyfriend* 

Niall has always been there for you through thick and thin. When you were bored, you called Niall. When you were upset, you called Niall. Anytime you needed to, Niall was there. But ever since you met your boyfriend you stopped hanging out with Niall. You guys talked every once in a while but not like before. Niall and you both missed each other so you decided to have a night to yourselves. Niall walked right in and gave you a huge bear hug that you missed so much. “Niall! I missed you so much!” You said. “I missed you too! Now let’s so watch some movies.” He said walking to the living room. An hour into the movie you realized that Niall was asleep. You decided to take this time to take a shower. After getting out of the shower you got dressed… Noticing a bruise. You stood there looking at the hand shaped bruise on your hip. Your boyfriend controls everything you do, wear, and say. But he never laid a hand on you, until last night. “Is that what I think it is?” Niall’s Irish accent was thicker than normal… full of anger. “Um mm…” You threw your shirt on really fast so Niall couldn’t see the bruise anymore. “Who gave that to you?” He asked. “Nobody, now come on and let’s finish the movie.” You said walking passed Niall. Niall grabbed your arm and pulled you closer. “Did he do it?” He asked referring to your boyfriend. You didn’t answer but instead you just broke down crying. Niall pulled you to his chest and held you tight. “This is the first time. I mean he always got mad when I didn’t wear what he wanted me too or I said something that he didn’t like but he never hit me. And then last night he got mad. I didn’t know what to do…we haven’t talked since last night and I’m honestly too scared to face him, Niall” you said trying your best to not choke up on your words. You could tell Niall was upset. “Well, you don’t deserve this and you need to get rid of him.” He said. “But what if he gets mad when I tell him? What if he comes after me?” You said holding on tight to Niall. “Y/N, I will be right here next to you when you do so, and I will make sure you are safe. I will never let anything or anyone hurt you!” You knew Niall would help you through this. And you knew that you wouldn’t of found the strength to break it off with your boyfriend if it wasn’t for Niall.

Liam- *he helps you from your best friend*

Liam and you have been dating for a while now. It took you a while to open up to Liam but he finally proved that you could trust him. There’s just one thing that you haven’t been able to tell him. Your best friend is a monster. You live with your best friend in a small apartment. It started out as her saying little things that hurt your feelings but then it got worse. She doesn’t hit you but she treats you like dirt. Pointing out every flaw, yelling at you anytime she can. You spent the night with Liam knowing that your friend would be home tonight. Liam and you were cooking diner when you ran into the cabinet and knocked a glass bowl to the ground, shattering it into pieces. You felt your face become red and tears filling your eyes. “God I’m so fucking stupid. I’m sorry Liam I didn’t mean to. I’m just stupid and clumsy and st….” You were cut off. “Y/N, calm down its just a bowl. It doesn’t make you stupid. You are far from stupid.” He said pulling you in. “Yeah right.” You said crying. Cupping your face Liam tried to understand where this self hate was coming from. “Who keeps telling you your stupid? Cause this is not you.” He said. “Y/F/N.” You answered. “What?” He was confused. “She yells at me all the time. She tells me how I’m worthless and pathetic. I don’t know what I did to her but she has been hating on me for a long time now. I just want it to stop.” You finally confused. “Well, I know that she isn’t your friend if that’s what she is doing. I’m not letting you go back there. You can stay with me until we figure all this out, but you don’t live there anymore. Okay?” Liam asked. You nodded agreeing with whatever he said.

Louis- *he helps you from yourself*

Every since you could remember you hated yourself. You didn’t just hate the way you looked but you hated everything else. You hated how stubborn you were and how easy it was for you to get mad. How could you be so full of hate? You wish you were someone else or acted different. You never told anybody how you feel about yourself except for Louis. Louis could tell there was something bothering you and it didn’t take him long to realize that you were self loathing. “You are beautiful!” He said. “Yeah right.” You argued. “Okay, come with me.” Louis pulled you to the bedroom. Placed you in front of the the mirror, put your hair up and made you take your make up off. “Okay you see this?” He pointed at your birthmark on your chest, “I love this. These…” He said taking your hands. “Are cute. They are small and perfect. Everything about you is amazing. Yeah your not perfect but that’s what I love about you. I know you will probably never see how beautiful you are, but I will keep telling you until it get through that thick skull of yours.” He said hugging your waist. That night you decided not to be so hard on yourself. And even though it didn’t happen over night, so started to love yourself more and more thanks to Louis.

Zayn - *he helps you from your sibling*

“You dumb bitch! Its no wonder why mom hated you. Because of you we have had a horrible ass life. Its all your fault!” Your brother yelled. You couldn’t defend yourself because you couldn’t get anything out but tears. “Fuck you. Just leave me alone. I don’t understand why you treat me like this. And if you hate me so much why don’t you just forget I’m your sister. Your the dumb one.” You finally yelled back. This fight had been going on for what felt like hours. Zayn was to come over and spend some time with you but you forgot you had plans once your brother started to fight. “I’m hear to remind you that you are the reason why mom left. You don’t deserve to have some of the thing you have. Your so stupid. Why do I have a sister like you?” He asked. You didn’t even have time to think when you saw a fist coming for your face. You fell to the ground not able to see a thing. You were too dizzy to understand what just happened. All you could do was lay on the floor feeling kicks from your brother. “Hey, what the fuck are you doing!” You heard zayn yell. You don’t know exactly how but your brother was on the ground, out cold. “Are you okay? I can’t believe this happened to you. Let’s get you to the hospital. We can then come back here tomorrow and make sure his gone.” Zayn said taking you to the car. “Thank you.” Was all you could say. “I love you and as long as I’m around you would have to worry about getting hurt.” Zayn comforted you.

Harry - *he helps you from your parents* 

Its been years since you saw your parents. You didn’t want to see them ever again to be honest with yourself. You try your hardest to forget about your past. All the late night fights. All the yelling, throwing, hating, and beating had gotten to you. You had enough and got out of that house as soon as you could. You know you didn’t deserve anything that happened to you and you have talked about it so you didn’t keep it bottle up. Harry knows everything that happened to you and that’s why he is so protective of you. Harry was the only person you trust, and it wasn’t easy for him to gain that trust. But once he did he vowed to never let you down. You were told that your parents were coming to visit you. You regretted letting them come but there was something in you that hoped they had changed. You asked harry to stay with you when they were visiting cause you didn’t know what could happen. The night started off good but as soon as you went to bed you heard yelling. You snuggled next to Harry as they kept fighting. The fighting finally died down and you started to relax. You suddenly heard you door open and felt a hand touch you. That familiar hand doing familiar things. “What is wrong with you?!” You yelled. Harry shot up and turned on the light. Your dad was back to doing his old things, trying to get into your pants. You felt disgusted. “Get out of here!” Harry yelled. You”ve never seen harry so upset and pissed before. Your parents finally left the house but for a couple of hours you couldn’t fall asleep. You were too worried about your dad coming back. “Its okay. I’m here you don’t have to worry about anything okay?” Harry said. He held you close to him, holding you all night. You were able to sleep that night in Harry’s strong arms.

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