Preference: He finds out about your self harm. (requested.)

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Harry: You were so stressed. You had packed up and moved halfway across the world just to be with your boyfriend, leaving all of your friends and family behind. You were attending university in London and they were farther ahead than your old one. You were struggling to catch up. Harry was always gone for meet and greets, interviews, and recording. One day, after an extremely rough day at school you came home to an empty flat. You changed into sweats and a tank top and made yourself a snack. You sat your textbook on the table and tried studying. You just couldn’t understand it. You tried the next subject, same thing. You wanted to call someone, but you didn’t know you. You had no one to talk to. Harry was unavailable at the moment, as were the other boys. Your friends would still be in school at this time. You missed your mom. She would help calm you down and help you understand it, but she was at work. You only knew one way to relieve stress. You walked into your room and opened up one of your drawers. You shifted things around until you found it. You picked your old blade up and carried it to your bathroom. You sat on the edge of the tub and readied yourself. It was going to hurt. You held your breath as you slid the blade across your skin for the first time in ages. It brought back a familiar rush. You watched as the blood began to bead on your skin. You needed more. You repeated the motion, causing a second cut. All the stress you were feeling was slowly fading away. You continued to cut yourself. You had seven total when you finished. You began to clean up yourself and the bathroom. Harry was supposed to be home soon. Just as you were finishing you heard him come in the door and head upstairs. “Baaaaabeeeee! I’m home!” You started to panic. You ran over to your dresser and threw the blade in. You would hide it later. You grabbed a jacket and put it on. “Hey beautiful,” Harry said as he kissed you. “Hey, love,” you said wrapping your arms around his neck. “Did you not hear me calling to you?” he asked. “No, I guess I wasn’t paying attention,” you lie to him. You arms were so sore. “How was school?” he asked. “Terrible.. I don’t have a clue what they’re teaching!” you said as you explained to him what was going on. “Well, how about instead of you cleaning today, I’ll do it for you,” he suggested to try to help you feel better. You went and took a nap on the couch as he did the dishes and folded the laundry. You woke up a few hours later to a very upset Harry sitting across from you. “Haz.. What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” “Y/n, I just love you so much.. I don’t understand why you’d need to do this to yourself,” he said sitting the blade in front of you. Shit. You forgot to it. You jacket sleeve had also crept up your arm and you could see all seven of your cuts. “I just, I..” you started crying too. He came and sat by you on the couch, pulling you into him and putting his arms around you. He kissed the top of your head as tears streamed down both of your faces. You stayed like that for hours. Both of you mumbling “I love you” over and over. After a few hours, you both slowly ran out of tears. You still sat there holding each other. “I’m so sorry,” he said into the crown of your head. “Sorry for what?” “For never being home. Putting work above you. That’s not right. Not anymore. You come first,” he said taking your face in his hands. “And from now on, you come to me for anything. If you ever feel like you might want to do it again, just come to me or the boys. You know you can always to talk to me about anything. I’ll help you. We’ll get through this. You are so amazing and I can’t lose you. I can’t have you hurting yourself. Not when I can help,” he said while he looked into your eyes. “I love you so much. Harry Styles, you are the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” you said before you kissed him deeply.

Liam: Liam had invited you over for dinner. He couldn’t cook all that well so you both agreed you would do the cooking. He sat at the counter talking to you the whole time. You finished and sat the plates out on the table. You both took your seats and continued to talk about his most recent concert. “Yeah, and there was this one girl waiting in line. She was very pretty. She hugged me and asked for a picture and we took on together and as I was walking, I noticed she had cuts all up and down her arms,” he explained to you as you guys ate. “I told her she needed to quit and that she was beautiful and that I loved her and things will brighten up. She promised me she would.” “That’s wonderful! I’m glad you were able to help her!” you replied to him with a mouth full of food. “Y/n, I just don’t understand how someone could do that to themselves. To feel so low that you think you need to inflict pain on yourself.. It’s terrible. I wish no one felt like that. Ever,” he said picking at his food. “There’s a lot of different reasons people do it. Some do it just so they feel something besides empty. Some do it to punish themselves. You never know,” you answered him. He just stared at you. “Have you ever done it?” he asked you. You looked into his eyes and you knew you had to tell him the truth. “I have before,” you said as your eyes started to fill with tears. “Anytime recently?” he said, his voice cracking. “No, it’s been forever,” you said as you started to cry remembering how awful you felt when you did it. He took your hands in his. “Never again. Promise me..” he said trying not to cry. “I promise,” you confirmed. “You have to mean it. You can’t just be saying it just to say it,” he said. “Liam, I mean it. I really do. If I ever think about it again, I’ll make sure to come to you!” you promised as you got up and hugged him. He wrapped him arms around you. “I love you y/full/name,” he murmured. “I love you too, Liam James Payne,” you said as your stomach growled. “Maybe we should finish eating,” he said as he laughed. You kissed him and went back to finishing your meal.

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