He Hits You- Liam

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i doubt liam would ever do this but it got requested

Liam: You sit on the couch while drinking some tea and watching a show on tv. You take a short nap and awake to your boyfriend Liam opening the door, he comes and sits down on one of the seats facing the couch. “Why are you home so early,” you ask concerned. “Listen Y/N, we’re done, and you should know exactly why,” he says loudly. You sit there not knowing what to do. “What the hell did i do Liam, i thought you loved me.” “Not anymore, because obviously you don’t love me since you’ve been cheating on me with another guy, now can you leave or something i don’t want to look at you.” You sit there in shock of Liam’s harsh words, all this time you thought he wouldn’t be so stupid to buy into what the press says. “Wow, i really thought you were smarter than that Liam, I can’t believe you think that i would actually cheat on you and by the way we both signed our names in the lease to this house so i’m staying, you can go if you want,” you say. “You know what Y/N i’m not buying your act, i saw you in the papers and the magazines for the past week with you and some guy walking with your arms looped together and he even hugged you and kissed you on the cheek. You really think i’m that stupid, well think again because your the one who’s stupid here and for the fact if you won’t leave then ill make your pathetic self leave,” he says furiously. “I never thought i would say this but you really are an asshole,” you say without intentions for your boyfriend to get even angrier. Before you knew it a strong hand slapped you across the face causing one side of your face to turn a bright cherry red. You knew Liam was going to be mad at you for calling him an asshole but you didn’t think he would ever hit you. Liam soon realizes what he’s done and breaks down into tears. “I can’t believe you,” you say through breaths. You grab your car keys off the table and walk towards the door. “Listen Y/N i’m so sorry, i can’t even look at myself anymore, i’m so sorry, wait where are you going,” he says in between small cries. “No where of your concern, ill be back in two days to get all my stuff. And by the way, that was my brother who you accused me of cheating with,” you say. “Please don’t go Y/N, i love you so much, i’m so sorry,” he says trying to hold back the rest of his cries. You open the door to your car and drive away from the boyfriend you loved.

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