Dreams of the night

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I start getting ready for bed as tomorrow is an exciting day. I turn 16 and I can finally take my driving test.

"Honey lights out it's already 11 o'clock" mom said.

"Ok mom I'm laying down now" I said.

"Ok goodnight lightning bug I love you" mom said.

My mom gave me my nickname when I four years old. I guess I had multiple lightning bugs on me at once. They seemed attracted to me. Ever since then the nickname stuck. Time for bed I'm so tired, but ready for school tomorrow. Something tells me tomorrow is going to be a great day. I lay on my pillow and sleep becomes me.

"Hello Alyana" a calm voice said. "Who are you and why are you in my dream?" I said.

"Oh I'm sorry for my rudeness" the voice pauses for a second. "My name is Tristan Ashdown" Tristan said.

This is some weird dream I thought to myself. "Unfortunately this isn't a dream it is real life" he said with sadness in his voice.

"Wait how did you?" ,But before I could say anything else he interrupted me. "It's just one of my many gifts that comes with being a evermore vampire" He said in a nonchalant tone.
"Evermore" I said while giving a confused look on my face.

"Yes" he said the continued. "Vampires and werewolves aren't what you think they are." He said very calm and sweet.

It's seems like he is trying to remain calm so I won't freak out. What he don't understand is I'm already freaking out. I think anybody would with a dream like this.

He sighed, "listen Alyana I don't have much time, soon you will wake up" he said. This time he sounded very concerned.

"Why is that?" I said looking so puzzled by what he was telling me.

He sighed again, "my powers aren't strong since I only turned 16 2 weeks ago. Plus your powers are starting to develop which makes things more difficult" he said so calmly. His voice almost was just so sweet and calm. It almost made me lose my train of thought.

Wait a second I thought to myself. This doesn't make any sense. What does he mean my powers? Also how is this making things difficult? I was so confused.

"Alyana listen I sense your confusion, but I promise you I won't let anything happen to you" he continued. " I promised your parents I would keep you safe and bring you to them" he said so sweetly it made my heart skip a beat.

Do I mean so much to him I thought. What does he mean my parents? So I guess they know about this. I think now I was even more confused. He must of sense that because he started speaking again.

"I will explain everything to you when I find you". He continues talking in calm non-threatening tone. "Right, you need to be careful who you trust. Not everything is as it appears." He took a deep breath before continuing. Your parents Alyana aren't your real parents". He said in serious tone. "Listen I don't want you to be scared. No matter what I will keep you safe" he said.

I swear there goes my heart again. I don't know how I can feel this way in a dream. There is just something special about this guy. The crazy thing is, that I haven't even seen his face. He is just a voice right now. I swear if he's sexy I might be in trouble.

He must of read my mind again because a small chuckle escaped his mouth.

"Would you quit that?" I said in tone that meant I mean business.

He laughed again, "I can't help it your so cute" he said teasingly.

Oh my god I hope he can't see my face right now I thought. I hate when I blush. I swear I turn so red. I'm the definition of a red tomato for sure.

"To answer your question, I can see you. Which is why I know just how beautiful you look right now" he said playfully.

Oh here goes the redness. I felt so embarrassed. Was he really flirting with me?Then I realized he read my mind again. "Hey what did I tell you about that". I said while sticking my tongue out. Yes childish I know, but nothing wrong with a little fun.

Then I remembered all the things he was telling me about my parents. So I bravely asked him a question. "So how if you don't mind me asking, did you know about my parents?" I said .

He sighed again and this time. I don't think I'm about to like what I hear. "You were kidnapped because of your particular bloodline" he takes a breath before continuing. "Listen my biological father took you from your parents when you were a baby. So you can mate to my older brother Victor. By mating with you him he will become the strongest vampire in the world" he sighs and continues.

"I will never let this happen. I owe a duty to your real parents. They took me in as a baby and raised me as their own. Which is kind of unusual since they are werewolves and I'm a vampire" he laughed.

"Wait hold up they are werewolves?" I said with shock. "That means.."

Then he interrupts me. "Yes that you are a werewolf and not just any werewolf. Your a werewolf princess.

I was so shocked now I know I'm dreaming. No more late night snacks for me. "Alyana?" He said knocking me out of my trance. "Yes" I said. I was thinking what now? I swear I can't it handle anymore.

"My brother will come for you tomorrow. You need to leave and hide. I promise I will find you since I'm a dream walker it shouldn't be hard. I already have your location now. Remember don't trust your parents. They don't care about you. They just work for my brother. It was their job to look after you" he continues with an even more concerning tone.

" I don't want nothing to happen to you. So when you wake up please believe everything I'm telling you. This is not a dream" he voice becomes quiet like its out of range or something. " I'm loosing you alyana please believe me please". He said then he was gone.

Why do I feel so alone and scared after he left? What is going to happen to me when I wake up tomorrow. I start to cry a little. I guess this isn't a dream. So much lies and hurt. I don't know how to feel or what to think. I honestly just wish I could see Tristan. Even though I never seen his face. Something about his voice made me feel safe.

"Well, time to face the music" I said to myself. Then just like that I was awake. "Now let's get this day over with" I said out loud.

Hey everyone I hope you have enjoyed the story so far. This is my first story. So I would love to hear your guys comments. What do you think is going to happen to Alyana? Will Victor (Tristan brother) really get his hands on her. Or will Tristan come to the rescue. I guess you will find out in the next chapter. :)

Darkness in the moonlightHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin