40 : Worst Day Of My Life 😭

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Valarie POV

I stretched out in the bed after my nap

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

I stretched out in the bed after my nap . It's Sunday and Antonio is napping . He got home earlier . I got up and walked to the kitchen .

Did i leave this door open ? I asked myself as the back door was open . I walked further out and saw two of Lorenzo's men on the floor .

My eyes widened and i walked backwards quietly . I ran to the kitchen and got two gun that were hidden there . I was afraid my kids were hurt.

I quietly walked upstairs and went in to the twins room first . They were both watching tv . I put my finger to my mouth to tell them to be quiet .

I got them and opened up their closet and put in the code to the secret door . "Walk until you find the room . There's food in there if you get hungry . " i whispered

"Mommy what's wrong ?" Asked Damien "Just go in the room and facetime daddy on your iPad and tell him mommy said there's someone in the house . I love you babies ." i said kissing their head and closing the door .

I quietly walked to Antonio's room . I opened it and he was still sleeping on his bed . I made sure there was no one in his room .

"Mom what's going on?" He asked then his eyes went wide when he saw my gun . "There's someone here and i know your dad told you to always protect your family  but i need you to go to the secret room . I can't be alive if something happens to you ."i said

"Okay , I love you mom " he said "I love you too baby ." i said finally walking to Lilly's room . I opened the door and she wasn't there . I searched the room and no sign of her .

I searched my room and no sign of her . By now my eyes started watering every time i would get out of a room without finding her .

I heard footsteps and whispering . I was in the second floor so i walked out and my heart almost jumped out of my heart when i saw Jacob there .

"I c-can't find lilly " i said as my whole body started shaking and i could feel myself finally letting all my tears out .

"It's okay she's probably here somewhere ." he said "I already looked everywhere ." i said as my legs starting giving up .

"Lorenzo !" He screamed and i heard footsteps run upstairs . "Valarie ." he said when he saw me "I can't find her ." i said as i cried in to his chest .

"We'll find her ." he said kissing my head "Jacob take her to your house ." said Lorenzo "Wait , i need to get the kids ." I said running to my room . I opened the secret door .

They all turned around and they looked scared . Antonio had a gun and he was standing up while the twins were cuddling in the couch .

"Mom what's wrong ?" He asked looking at me . "Let's go ." i said . He grabbed Kalani and i grabbed Damien . We walked out and i grabbed Lorenzo's arm "You need to find her if you don't I'll look for her myself ." i said in the most angriest tone .

"I will , I love you ." he said kissing my head "I love you more" i said kissing him "Impossible" he said hugging me and the kids one more time .

We walked out with Jacob and he drove us to his house . We walked out and Denise ran towards us . "My sweet babies ." she said hugging all of us .

"Denise i have to go back lock all the door and windows any way someone can get in . There is going to be guards walking around . I love you ." he said hugging her "I love you too ." she said as he drove away .

We walked to her living room where Ale was sleeping . I laid the twins on the couch together with a blanket .

"I couldn't find her ." i said crying more "Mom it's not your fault." Said Antonio hugging me and sitting me down . "Valarie I know Lorenzo is going to find her even if it's the last thing he does . " said Denise

I saw Antonio yawn and rub his eyes . "Tia do you have coffee ?" He asked "No , no coffee go to sleep ." i said grabbing a pillow and putting it on my laps . Im not going to sleep until they find Lilly . "Just go to sleep I'll wake you up if something happens ." said Denise

He laid his head and the moment his head hit the pillow he fell to sleep . Denise gave me a blanket for him and i covered him .

Everytime i see Antonio it reminds me of Lilly . "You should sleep too ." said Denise . "No." I said " I'll make coffee ." she said walking to the kitchen .


The front door opened and all of Lorenzo's men went in to Jacob's office . I saw Yasmine , Madelaine , and Genesis and they came to me and hugged me . Antonio woke up and they hugged him too .

"I'll be right back ." i said getting up and walking towards Lorenzo "You need to find her ." i said crying "I will" he said whipping my tears off .

"We'll find her Valarie " said Julian and Sebastian hugged me . "I want to be in there when you tell them what's going to happen or what you guys are going to do ." i said

"I don't think that's a good idea ." he said "Please ." i said with pleading eyes . "Denise , come here ." said Jacob

"You'll be with Valarie in there ." said Jacob "okay" she said .

When we walked in some looked at me with pity . "We received a phone call and we know it belongs to the russian mafia but there's another voice. We are not sure who it belongs to . We traced the call to a place an hour from here . You will all have a small captain who you will report to if something happens ." said Lorenzo . He then repeated to say the captains name and who were in their groups

"No matter what happens you will bring Lilly out alive . Let's go ." he said and everyone walked out . "I have to go . " he said grabbing my face .

"I'll bring her to you or even if it's not me who brings her she will come out alive ."he said kissing my head . "I love you , and please stay safe ." i said kissing him "I love you too ." he said walking out with all the guys .

I walked back to living room where i saw Antonio carrying Rosa , Madelaine's kid .


"MAMI !!" I heard and i jumped from the couch when i heard Lilly . I ran to her and i carried her up and hugged her tightly . She was short and skinny so she was not heavy .

The guys smiled but i also saw there eyes red like they were crying . All Lorenzo's men went in to Jacob's office with their head down .
"Where is he ?" I asked as i felt myself about to sob .

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