Incoming Call (Chapter Twelve :))

Start from the beginning

"Here we are miss" the taxi stopped before my new home. It wasn't anything big. It was something small just for me. I stood up out of the taxi. I payed the taxi and muttered to myself "That's not cheep at all...". The little walk to the apartments just made me realize how much I already liked it. I opened the door.

"More boxes" I laughed for myself. In the entrées of the apartment was a little table set up with a letter on and a photo of me and Harry. "You sneaky bastard" I laughed and took the letter up.

Hey babe!

I couldn't just not go and take a look at your new apartment before I went to the U.S. At the moment it has been two days since I last saw you, kissed you or even touched you. I miss you terribly already and I can't imagine how much I must miss you when you read this letter. I thought you should have a photo of us in the apartment so there is it!

Call me okay? Love you! xxx Harry

I laughed and took the tear that had slipped down my cheek away. Then I looked closer on the photo on the table. It was a picture from the park. I'm laying on his chest and we're both laughing. I let the photo be there and kept walking inside the apartment. "Definitely better in real life" I sighed and sat down on the floor in my new living-room. The couch, bed and chairs was the only thing that wasn't in boxes. But they were all in packed in plastic. There were some lamps here and there too. I turned two on and started to unpack.

"I FOUND IT MAHAHA!" I screamed and sat up straight. What I found was my iPhone stereo. I plugged it in and music came out. I danced around. Probably looking crazy. But I think when you get your dream come true you got to let lose and run around like a maniac! I started to pack up stuff.

"This'll take forever!" I said when my living room was finished. Sure not finished but almost. I had to take up the TV on the wall but other then that I was finished. I walked into my new bedroom and found nothing... well except boxes. All these damn boxes.

Harry's P.O.V

three weeks later

"I don't get it!" Liam said. "Don't get what?" I asked and laid against a wall. "You should be miserable!" Louis answered. "What? Why would I?" I asked. "Because you miss her" Liam answered. "Well I do miss her but for the moment I just glad she's mine" I said smiling from ear to ear.

"Take it down a notch lover boy we have company" Paul said when he walked through the door. He had a woman behind her. "a new interview..." Zayn sighed. "Yes, I'm from tiger beat" the woman said and sat down in the couch before Liam and Louis. Me, Zayn and Niall sat down beside them. "Zayn, Niall this interview is just for Harry, Liam and Louis" Paul said and all of us looked chocked at him. "We wont do it without them" Louis was the first one to say the words. "I'm really sorry boys but you'll have too..." Paul said and I saw how sorry he truly was.

Niall and Zayn shrugged and stuck out their tongues because now they could do anything here in Texas. They got the hole day off. They waved and disappeared out of the room leaving me, Liam and Louis with the lady.

"Sorry I'm bothering you" she started but I saw in her eyes that she wasn't really that sorry. "It's okay" Liam said and smiled at her. Always so nice. "So this number of Tiger Beat is about relationships" she said picking up a block from her purse.

"So boys, how do you treat your beloved girlfriends?" she asked putting on some glasses. "Good..." Louis said awkward. "Wait... why don't we start with you describing your love?" she said and we looked at each other and then nodded. "Harry why don't you start?" she said and I shrugged.

"My girlfriend's name is Emma, She's a year older then me, which never really stands out because she's so childish" I laughed a little. "One time she locked me out in the rain" I said laughing a little. "She's the most lovely person I've ever met" now I was smiling from ear to ear. "We're a kind of a soft couple I think... we just want to be close to each other because I'm out traveling a lot" I said looking down. "But when we meet again it's like... I can't really describe it... it's like seeing the light for the first time, getting air after a long swim, wind on a hot day" I said looking into her eyes. "Nobody knew Harry Styles was such a romantic" she said and smiled for herself. "Emma is amazing! She only think about others, never herself, she is obsessed with books and One Direction and and... yeah she love her family" I said and smiled for myself.

Incoming Call (An One Direction FanFic)(Completed - Editing)Where stories live. Discover now