The Suffering Of The Glitch Bitch

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Okay so, Breaking into the Iplier manor was proving to be much harder than what Anti had been expecting. It was almost like Darkiplier specifically didn't want him in there or something! He can't glitch inside, he can't sneak in via the window and he can't even ring the fucking doorbell because somebody ripped it out!! I mean what?! Who does that?!

Uh. Ignoring the fact that Anti did that once at the Septic place.

Anti groaned, leaning against one of the trees on the outskirts of the Manor with a scowl on his face. He shook his head, water spraying everywhere from his damp hair. Who the hell sets up a teleporter that transports whoever steps on it into a lake anyways? Anti had his suspicions that it was that dumbass Bim Trimmers idea, he always was extra as fuck. His body glitched violently again and he grit his teeth in pain, his knees almost buckling. Okay so, apparently, him and water didn't mix very well. Who would of thought! Something to keep in mind he supposed. Anti pulled out his almost damaged beyond repair phone and scanned over the most recent messages. He might as well take a break.

SchneepSchneepImASchneep: Okay So, I know everyone is stressed out about Chase yes? So how about we all ask questions about each other to take our minds of him for a bit

Boogarowr: Could you of picked a more boring thing to talk about

Spidderdoodman: Huh, would of thought that any chance to talk about yourself would be a dream come true hey Marvin?

Boogarowr: Oh yeah sure, because people would totally listen

Spidderdoodman: Well maybe if you weren't such an asshole they would!!

SchneepSchneepSchneep: If you two don't stop being angsty for one FUCKING SECOND I SWEAR

Boogarowr: What are gonna do

Boogarowr: Moisturise me?

Glitchday: Nice

SchneepSchneepImASchneep: Okay If we're done making Doctor Who References

Spidderdoodman: Always


Glitchday: Lobster??

Spidderdoodman: Don't. Just don't.

Glitchday: Okay well I'm gonna go now byeeeEEEE

Spidderdoodman: Bye!

Boogarowr: Since when does Anti Say Goodbye to us?

SchneepSchneepImASchneep: I'm gonna give you one minute to realise what exactly you just sent, and then I'm going to come into your room and laugh at you

Spidderdoodman: Stop breaking into peoples rooms dude

SchneepSchneepImASchneep: IT WAS MY CHAIR

Anti looked down his phone which was now glitching and getting progressively hotter by the second. He debated what to do for a second before shrugging and smashing it on the ground.

"I'll just force Schneeplestein to buy me a new one." He mumbled, running his hands through his hair one more time and wincing at the painful electric shock it brought. Whatever. Anti was just about to considering finding a trampoline to bounce over the fence when he heard someone call his name.

"Anti?" Anti's eye's widened. Chase! "Anti what are you doing here? Why do you look like a drowned cat?" Anti spun around, facing a tense but curious looking Chase Brody. He found himself raising an eyebrow slightly. Wonder where his hat went?

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