We interupt this regular texting fic to bring you: Whatever this is!

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ZeGoodDoctor: Chase, Dr Iplier has just informed me that you have decided to stay at the Ipliers Manor for a few days, is that true?

TrickShotMeUp: Ah Yeah, sorry for leaving so suddenly and everything the other day, I needed to get out. Sorry if I worried you

ZeGoodDoctor: Of course you worried me you fucking idiot what did you expect?!

TrickShotMeUp: I dunno

ZeGoodDoctor: Idiot

ZeGoodDoctor: Anyways, while I do not approve of where you are staying, you can take your time in deciding when you want to come back

ZeGoodDoctor: I will not tell the others where you are but I will tell them that you are safe, do not feel like you need to return when you're not ready

TrickShotMeUp: Thanks Doc, I appreciate it. I just need to figure some things out I think...

ZeGoodDoctor: Just don't be more of a dumbass than usual and take care of yourself

ZeGoodDoctor: And don't trust any of those Ipliers okay? I know you and Bing get along but not all of them are good okay? Darkiplier sing safe

TrickShotMeUp: He's not actually that bad though, he seems to really care about his fellow egos

TrickShotMeUp: It might sound stupid but I think Darkiplier isn't all what he appears to be, Bing and that must trust him for a reason Right?

ZeGoodDoctor: Just... be careful

Chase wasn't sure he liked the Egopliers Manor.  While yes it was certainly something, what with the magnificent halls and new fascinating sights everywhere you turned,  it just wasn't...home. It wasn't the familiar apartment with its worn down bean bags and random sticky note messages to other egos, it wasn't the same as waking up to the smell of either coffee or burning, depending on whatever mood Anti was in that day. As thankful as he was for Bing letting him stay a few nights, the grand manor with too many staircases and random holes between dimensions (Thanks Warfstache) wasn't home,

And yet home didn't quiet feel like home either currently so he was in a bit of a situation now wasn't he.

It's not like the Ipliers weren't welcoming no, not in the slightest. They all taken him in with open arms, and Chase found himself growing fond of every one of them, Uh, quirks and all. Bim And Warfstache were more than happy to ramble with him about new ideas for his show and possible future projects they could do all together. The Google's were grumpy sure and Bing got childishly bitter whenever he spoke to them, but all four of them were just so fascinating to Chase that he was drawn to them. Everyone was friendly, If a little out there and yet...

It just didn't feel right. No matter how kind the egos were, it still didn't change the fact that this wasn't Chase's home and they weren't his family.

Chase was currently sitting on the edge of one of the many balconies, watching the night sky and pondering whether or not if he could convince someone to help him build a giant nerf gun to see if he could shoot one of the Stars out of the sky.

Well, he was also thinking about his dysfunctional mess of a family of lookalikes and why his wife didn't love him anymore but that's depressing as fuck so we're focusing on the giant nerf gun.

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