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"I'm pregnant," Regina said to her fiancè, Daniel.

"What?" He seems shocked but soon a smile crawled it's way to his face, "That's great!"

He lifted her and spinned her around.

"Let's get out of here," Regina said suddenly.

"Where?" He asked.

"Anywhere," she answered, "As long as my mom couldn't find us. We should keep our child save from her. Are you with me?"

He nodded and touched Regina's tummy, "Anything for you and our child."

That night, Regina met Daniel under the tree. But her mother, Cora had waited there. Cora ripped his heart and crush it. Her mother had know that her daughter was pregnant. She told her to get rid of the baby once she give birth.

"What?!" Regina cried, "You killed my true love, and you asked me to give away the only thing that reminds me of him!?"

Cora looked at her, "I am your mother and you will do as I say."

"You are really pure evil, mother." Regina said then she ran back to her house.

Once Regina had given birth, her mother told her to get rid of it. Regina did fight her back, but of course she lost. Eventually, she got rid of her but she did give her a special necklace. The only thing Regina has from Daniel. The one that will give her protection.

"Andreanna," Regina said, "Your name is Andreanna. I promise no one will ever harm you my dear one. My one and only child. I will get you back, I promise."


"Do you have a necklace with a red ruby on it?" I asked Andrea.

"You mean this?"

She showed me her necklace that she's been wearing. The beautiful ruby necklace that I saw in my vision, the one that Regina gave her child. I looked at the necklace closely.

"It's beautiful," I said. "Do you know where'd you get that?"

She shook her head. I smiled softly at her.

"That necklace was from your father," I answered, "It was the last thing he gave to your mother before your grandmother ripped his heart."

She seemed shocked, "That hasn't answer my question. Who is my mother?"

"The Evil Queen," I answered.

"How?" She asked. "Why didn't she tell me all this time?"

I shrugged, "Maybe... you should ask her yourself."

We spent the entire evening just sitting at the beach, watching the waves. Nobody spoke. We enjoy each other company. Especially me, I wanted to enjoy it while it lasted. Because I knew sooner or later I have to let this place go. But... it'll be over my dead body.

The sky was getting dark, but I still didn't want to get up just yet. The sun was setting down and it was my favourite time of the day. It was so beautiful. The sun had finally set and it was night time already.

"Come on girls," Peter said, "The sun had set, time to go back."

Andrea got up, "I still don't want to leave, but... I'm hungry."

I sighed, "I don't want to..."

"Fant..." he said.

"Alright..." I said and got up.

We all teleported back to camp where everyone had gathered and cooked some dinner.

"Smells lovely," I said while skipping to sit next to Hade, "What are you guys cooking?"


We enjoyed our dinner, before heading back to each of our own hut.

"Fant..." Peter called me when I was walking to my hut.

"Yes?" I turned back.

He hugged me, "Goodnight sunshine."

"Nite' old man," I replied.

But I don't know why, I got this weird feeling of someone was watching us. I looked over at Pan's shoulder and I saw Andrean looking straight to us. With an emotion that I could easily guess, jealousy.

So she felt it already huh... It means that I have to start keeping my distance with Peter. If that is possible, but... everything for his happy ending.

"Okay... you can let go of me now," I said, pulling away from him.

"No," he told me and he squeezed me harder.

"Peter..." I said. I saw Andrea got in quickly to her room and slammed the door shut. Man... I know your jealous and all but, he isn't technically yours yet.

"What is that?" Peter asked, letting go of me.

"That would be your jealous true love," I answered.


"Andrea was jealous," I repeated.

"Of what?"

"She saw you hugging me," I shrugged, "And she was pissed."

He chuckled, "Well she better get use to it."

Hello Heloo
Guyz I just realized that I never actually 'thank' you for voting and reading my story...

So Thank you so much... you voting means a lot to me. And if you have anything to say feelfree to comment!

And if you got any question feel free to ask! Maybe I'll put in in the next author's note!


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