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"The spark."

Spark? That sting that I felt around Andrea was a spark?

"Spark?" I asked, "Why would I feel any spark?"

"Peter... she's your happily ever after."

"What?" I asked shocked, "What are you talking about?"

"She's your true love," she answered.

"It's... it's impossible."

I can't believe it. How could a monster like me have a true love. How could someone love a demon like myself? But is that the reason why I could hear her wish every night?

Fant put a hand on my shoulder, "Try to be nicer around her will you? She's gonna be someone very important in your life."

"Hmmm," I sighed, "Why should I? I've got you already. Why should I change for her?"

"Cause I couldn't give you the happily ever after you want."

"Oh Fant... You've given me so much more than that."

She smiled at me, and I returned it.

"Come on," I said while standing up and giving her a hand, "Let's go back to camp."

We teleported back to camp, and I saw everyone had gathered around.

"How could Pan and Fant be stronger than her?" Andrea asked to the lost boy. I was gonna ask who she meant but Fant beat me to it.

"Stronger than who?"

Andrea seems a bit flastered. So Felix answered the question.

"Andrea here is confused," he said, "How could you both be stronger than her aunt."

Fant chuckled, "You mean 'The Evil Queen'?"

Andrea nodded.

"Yeah... she's pretty good with magic," she continued, "But we're just better."

"And it's not that we're being cocky..." I continued her sentence, "It's just that we are."

"How?" she seems at loss words.

"Well for starters," Fant answered, "We are living at the source of all magic, we've been doing magic longer than she does. And so on..."

"So if one day, she's coming to get me..." Andrea said.

"You really think that she'll be coming for you?" I asked.

"Of course she will!" She answered.

She really think that The Evil Queen is coming to get her? Well I wouldn't let her take her. That's for sure.

"Then I'll crush that black heart of hers to dust," I said, "Cause nobody leave this island without my permission."


"So if one day, she's coming to get me..." Andrea said.

Her question made me freeze. She'll be coming one day alright. But it's not to get her. But it's to take her son, the owner of the heart of the truest believer. And it's by killing Peter.

I took a deep breath, I can't let my tears to drop.

"Peter," I called. Trying to get my head out of the memories of my visions. He looked at me and I give him a look saying 'remember what I told you.' "Be nice."

Peter rolled his eyes, and I can't help to smirked.

"Andrea follow me," Peter said.

Andrea looked at me and I gave her a nod. She followed Peter to one of the huts. It's a gift from Peter, and of course it's due to the fact that everyone must have their own bed to sleep at. She couldn't just sleep at the log like last time.


I followed him to one of the hut. He opened the door for me and I stepped inside. There's a bed, mirror, closet and a lamp. The walls were painted blue and there's shells hanging all around. It's not much, but it's sure is comfy.

"This is gonna be you hut from now on," he said.

"Really?" I said. He nodded. "Thank you..."

"Well Fant insisted that you must have a hut of your own," he said, "So you wouldn't have to sleep on a log. She decorated as well. She said that you have a thing for our waterfall."

"Wow... I must thank Fant then."

"No!" he said suddenly. Which made me jump a little, "No need to say anything that I said to you earlier. I'll give her your thank you."

"Umm... Okay?" He's being suspicious and I'm gonna find out why later. For now, I'm still admiring my room. It was really amazing.

"Well then I'll leave you now."

"Yeah... Thanks once again."

"Your welcome," he said, "Glad you like it."

Then he closed the door but before that I saw something that I never thought I will ever see in my life. He just smiled. Not a smirked not a grin, but a smile.

Suddenly I felt weak to the knees. I sat on my bed immediately with a goofy smile on my face.

What is happening to me? How could his smile bring this much affected on me?


"Ooohhh," Fant said teasing me after I stepped out of Andrea's hut, "What is that smile on your face?"

"Nothing," he said.

"She loved it?"

I nodded.

"Okay then," she said, "I'll be in the beach. Alright Pete?"

"Get home before sunset you hear me?"


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