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My name is Andrea, Andrea Mills. I lived in the enchanted forest, and I'm the niece of the Evil queen.

The evil queen is basically my mother. She's been taking care of me since I was little. I never knew my real parent, she never wanted me to talk about them. Whenever I got into the topic she always changed it. Once I stepped out of the line, and she got mad. She sent me to my room, and didn't let me out for an entire month. Sure my grandpa Henry would always visit me and brought me my food. He also never told me anything about my real parents, he said that the queen won't let him.

"Andrea," called Regina. "Are you alright?" She asked worriedly, "You've been playing with your food."

"Oh," I answered, I didn't notice that I was lost in my thinking. "I'm fine. Just..."

"Just what? Oh I know..." she said with a huge grin on her face. "You are thinking about your 16 birthday ball. You're very excited aren't you?"

"Huh? Oh yes... Yes I am..." I lied. I didn't feel excited at all.

Every year on my birthday she would throw this amazing birthday ball for me. She invited everyone, of course because of her title being the 'Evil Queen' no one will ever came. But she threatened them to. So everyone did come. But all of their face shown that they were forced. No one was having fun. Everything they do is out of fear not from their own.

"I'm done. May I be excuse?" I asked politely.

"You're done?" She asked worriedly again, "But you did not eat even half of your food. Are you sure you're alright? Should I call someone?"

"Regina," I stopped her. She still looked at me worriedly, "I really am fine. I'm just tired. Tomorrow is a big day. I want to sleep early today."

"Oh ok then," she smiled relieved, "Off you go."

I nodded and gave her and my grandpa a bow. Then headed to my room.


Once I was in my room, I looked at the stars from my window. It was not completely a lie that I was thinking about my party tomorrow. I was tired of seeing everyone's forced expression, their fear.

I was also tired of living this life. I had no friends, I lived in the castle all my life. I never once got out of here. You could say that I'm a prisoner here. Regina said that the reason that I couldn't go out is to keep me safe. But I'm not a little girl I can take care of myself now. But she still wouldn't let me go.

No one ever talked to me. Whenever the party was held all the kids would avoid me. Too scared of Regina. It hurted my feeling of course, but I never told Regina cause I'm afraid that she would do something bad to them.

"How I wish that everything would change. How I wish that I will have friends this year or maybe even found my true love." I said to myself looking at the stars.

You ever heard about wishing upon the brightest evening star would make you dreams come true? Cause the next words that came out of my mouth and heard by the stars is my wish coming true.

"I believe that it would come true."

This is my first fanfiction ever! And the one I most proud of for now. I know it's a little bit too late for Author's note, bevause the story had been up for quite a long time. But it's better to be late than never right.
So I hope you enjoy the story and I must tell you, english is not my first language. And I'm still learning. So I'm sorry for the bad grammar and weird phrases hehehe. Enjoyy💙 Love yoll -msdreamer_s101

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