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I took a little nap, and when I woke up I tried to take in my surroundings. Oh yeah... I was in my new hut. I stepped out of my hut and looked around. There's nobody else around the camp, only Pan himself.

I second guess myself to whether I should walked over to him, or not. I decide to walled over to him. I know I won't regret it, hopefully.

"Hey," I greeted him.

"Hey," Pan greeted me back, he was sharpening his dagger I see.

"Where's everyone?" I asked.

"Some went hunting, some scouting around the island, some fishing."

"Hm..." I responded, "How about Fant?"

"She's at the beach," he answered.

"Can I ask you something?"

"What have you been doing all this time?" He replied with a sass tone.

I rolled my eyes, "Why am I here?"

He stopped what he was doing for a split second, "I have no idea either. You have to ask my shadow."

"Your shadow?"


"Doesn't it stick to you?" I asked curiously.

He chuckled, "Wow... there's alot you gotta learn princess."

"Yeah... no kid," I replied, "So your shadow?"

"It doesn't stick to me," he started to explained, "It can do whatever it want, whenever it want. It's the one who brought everyone here."

I nodded. This is the first time he ever answered my question. Maybe he was warming up to me. I'm not gonna lie, I like this side of Pan.

"Next question," I continued, "Whose hut is whose?"

"Hmmm," he sighed and looking up.

He started pointing at the hut and telling whose is whose. My hut is between Zapp's and the pantry. Next to Zapp's is Fant's and beside her is Pan's. No surprise there. I'm new and I already could tell that he's very protective over her? Why?

He kept telling me about the camp. He also told me a little bit about the Lost Boys and Fant. Everyone had their own character.

Felix is like Pan's right hand man, Zapp is the strongest of them all, Dayn and Hade are the jokers of the group but he did say not to mess around them when they're angry, Caden the cooks of the group, Lex is the smartest, and little Jupe is the best aimer out of all of them.

While Fant is like our mother and our little sister as well. He said that she can be stricted and adorable. He also told me that she had these visions than can tell everything in the present, past, future, and some facts.

When he told me about Fant, he lighted up. Just mentioning her name, he would smile all of a sudden. I could tell that she really means alot to him.

"Anymore question?" Pan asked.

I shook my head, "Not for now."

"My turn to ask the question," he said.

I nodded, "Sure go ahead."

"Any brothers or sisters?" He asked.

I shook my head, "No. Only me, my aunt and grandpa."


I shrugged, "I don't know. My aunt never wanted me to talk about it."

"Ever know why?"

I shrugged again.

"Are you sure The Evil Queen is your aunt?"

I was shocked by his question. Why would he think that I was lying?

"Of course she is," I answered, "Why would I lie?"

"How come?"

I shrugged, "I don't know... she never told me the detail."

"Fant saw it in one of her visions that..." he seemed hesistated to tell me, "The Evil Queen is your mother."

I was speechless. What was he saying? Regina is my mother?

"What are you talking about?" I asked disbelief, "Regina couldn't possibly be my mother."

"Let me prove it then. Give me your hand," he took my hand and closed his eyes. He put a finger on my hand and suddenly purple mist appeared on my hand.

"See..." he said, "You've got magic just like your mother. With my help, you can be stronger than her."

"How?" I said.

"I've told you before. Cause I'm better than her."

"No," I said, "How is that possible? How is she my mother?"

He shrugged, "I have no idea as well. But maybe Fant can help you with that. She's at the beach go see her."

"I don't know how to get to the beach," I said.

He sighed and got up, "Come on. I'll show you."

I followed him through the jungle. He told me that there are many paths throughout the jungle I just need to look closely. I did what he told me, and he was right. There were scratches around the trees. He told me to follow the scratches and it will get me to my destination.

We eventually got to the beach, it was beautiful. The sound of waves was really calming. I could see why Fant spent hours here.

"There is she," Pan said. I followed Pan's eyes and I saw Fant sitting and looking to the wave looking so peaceful.

Pan and I walked over to her. We both sat next to her. She didn't move, not even her head. She shuts her eyes and sighed.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" She asked suddenly.

I smiled and nodded, "No doubt."

"Such a pity if we have to leave it someday." She said with a sad tone. And I couldn't quite get what she meant by that.

"Fant, what do you mean by that? We aren't leaving anything." Pan said. Looks like he was as lost as me.

Fant shook her head, "Nothing, but I will promise you that I will do my best to protect this island and the lost boy."

"Fant..." before Pan could finish, Fant cut him off. It was quite obvious that Fant was hiding something.

"So why are you here?" She asked immediately looking at me and Pan.

"My mother..." I said and she looked at me, "Is The Evil Queen really my mother?"

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