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I woke up... feeling very freshed actually. I mean I felt no pain at all. How long was I asleep?

"Well finally you're awake."

Someone said and made me turned around instantly to the source of the voice. It was no other than Pan himself. The reason for all of this.

"What do you want!?" I spatted.

"Nothing." He said stepping closer to me. He reached out his hand and I moved back immediately, "Relaxed." He said and checking my body, "The potion worked well."

Then with one hand he lifted my chin looking for cuts in my face, but when our eyes met. I felt something suddenly, I don't know if it just me or he felt it as well. We looked at each other for quite a while. I eventually jerked my head away, and he chuckled?

"What? Is the princess flustered just because I was looking at her?"

Yup... I hate him. I gave him a dead glare and he kept on smirking. Not gonna lie it's cute.

"How are you feeling?" He asked suddenly.

I scoffed, "Everything... Everything is just a game to you isn't it Pan?"

"Great you're catching up. Now get up. Dinner is almost ready."

I groaned and I didn't move. Pan turned around and looked at me.

"What are you doing? Didn't you hear me? I said get up!"

I still didn't move. I felt to furious to move. Pan sighed and walked over to me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me outside. I tried to get out of his gripped but he's to strong. When we were outside everyone had gathered around the campfire. Everyone but Fant and I think I'm not the only one who noticed she's gone.

"Where's Fant?" Asked Pan, "She hasn't returned yet?" Everyone shook their head and Pan sighed, "Take care of her will you? I'm gonna go fetch Fant."

Before I could say anything, green smoked appeared beside me and Pan was already gone. Dayn called me over to have dinner. I did what he said and sat beside him. I grabbed a plate and feed myself to some food.

I teleported myself to the beach, cause I knew that Fant would be there. She always went there whenever she's in a badmood or whenever she wanted to be alone. I was seeing her through the trees, she just sat there gazing the waves. I slowly walked towards her, and sat beside her.

"What's in that pretty little head of yours love?" I asked.

"Nothing," she answered with a tired tone and not looking at me whatsoever.

"And by nothing you mean?"

There was a moment of silence between us before she sighed, "I'm clearing my mind. I always hate these visions. Always bringing a burden to my shoulder."

"Fantasia..." I said softly, "You know I hate it when you talk like that about your vision. Fant..." I shifted her chin so she would look at me. "Listen to me. Your vision is a gift. Embrace it. You think I'm happy being the guy I am? No. But I embrace it with open hands and mind. Some people would kill to have what you have. I have to sacrifice something to be the guy I am now, when you have the vision as your gift. You know the sacrificed I went through to get here. I'm a monster. You know that but I still embrace it. They said I'm a villain and I'm still trying to get my happy endings."

She sighed and hugged me, "I know. I understand, I'm sorry. And you are not a villain Peter. You are not a bad guy."

I chuckled, "Yes I am."

"Well," she said while giving me a reassuring smile, "Not to me, you're not."

I returned the smile, "That's all I need."

Then I got up, giving her a hand. She and I teleported back to camp where everyone were having dinner. She greeted everyone with a smile and joined them. That's the thing about her, I knew she has got a lot on her mind, but she's great at covering it.

The future is unpredictable, the best is just to enjoy the present and letting go the past. That is what she said, but this is neverland. We have no future, no past cause in here time stop. All we have is the next adventure we'll be doing each time the sun rises.

"Peter," I heard Fant calling me, "What are you doing? Come here."

I chuckled and joined them.

I was training my lost boys and girls to shoot some arrows right now. Everyone were doing great except one... Andreanna. Soo surprising, with a sarcasm tone that is. I sighed and walked over to her. I stood behind her and I think she got a little flustered.

I cleared my throat and said, "If you are going to shoot the target, try to actually point at the target... got it?"

I sighed and walked closer to her. I positioned her arm so it would actually point to the target but I felt something weird. There's like an electrict sting flowing in my vein. What is this?

"Let go," I told her. She let go and hit the target. I let go of her and told her to do it again. She hit it. Well not perfect but better. She kept shooting at the target, and each time it was getting better and better. Then finally she hit a bullseye. She was so happy she jumped around and to my surprised, she suddenly hugged me. I was so surprised and didn't know what to do. When she came to her senses, she let go of me and cleared her throat.

"Sorry..." she said, "Too happy I guess..."

"That's fine..." I replied, "You did good. Keep it up."

When I looked around everyone were staring at us. I gave them a glare and they got back to the target. I caught a glimpse of Fant chuckling. So I went over to her.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing..." she answered innocently before hitting a bullseye.

Sorry for the long wait! It's not because I'm discontinuing this story. No... It is just that I'm starting to forget the storyline. So I have to watch Once Upon a Time again and I don't the have time for it :) (Been busy with schoolwork). But I have been watching it cause finally I got some time to chill... not yet the whole season, but I've watch enough. And just so you know I think that I'll be publishing the story quiet slow. Because starting tommorow I'll be more busy with schoolwork. But I promise to finish the book... so stay with me alrightt...
ANDD!!! I've publish a Tom Holland book... soo if you love Tom Holland might as well check it out and show me the support... I love seeing you guyz commenting my work and voting it. It is what make me more motivated to continue. So keep sending the love guyzz appreciate it.💙💙

Lots of love, Msdreamer_s101

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