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I was having so much fun. Giving Andreanna chores, and playing 'games' with her. Messing with her was a lot of fun. But I'm not done yet. She still got lots more ahead of her.

Sure I was told to go easy on her by no other that Fant herself, and I did. I promised you I did. But of course my standard's of easiness is quite different for most people.

"TIMES UP LOST GIRL! Time for a new game!"

I spot her sitting on the log, still catching her breath.

"Hey!" I called her again, "Didn't you hear what I just said?"

"When will you be done Pan!? I've done everything you told me to!"

"I will tell you when we're done," I said, "But now let's play antoher game. I called it... catch the mice."


"Here you go sunshine."

I set Fant on the shore of Neverland. This is her first time coming here. As soon as I set her down she looked around and started to walk fast while giggling. I chased after her worrying that she might trip herself . Because she just learnt how to walk. She smiled at me, which I returned.


She fell down. Damn it! I got distracted by her smile that I let my guard down. She cried and I lifted her up trying to comfort her.

"Shh shhh. There there little one... you're alright... you're fine... I'm here."

Her cries stops and I look at her again.

"Where's the smile? Come on show me the smile." I tickled her and she giggled, "There's my sunshine. Come on, I'll take you to camp yes? I'll show you where you'll be staying when you're older."

I walked her to camp, where my lost boys were having dinner. When they saw Fant, their eyes widen and their mouth hang open.

"Guys I would like you to meet Fantasia," I said, "She's our first Lost girl."

"You're joking?" Zapp asked.

"Pan," Hade called, "I do the jokes around here. Not you."

"Are you all questioning me?" I growled and they all look terrified, "You all should know better. Fantasia will be our Lost girl when she's older. I'm not that stupid to make her stay here this young!"

Kaein walked to to me and streched his arm, "May I hold her?"

I nodded and gave Fant to her, "Be careful."

Fant looked at Kaein, she tilted her head a little bit. Kaein tickled her and she giggled. My lips twitched hearing her.

The others were slowly walking toward her as well. Zapp said he wanted to hold her as well. Kaein wasn't willing to let go, but I told him to. See I knew they will like her immediately. Zapp hold her and he pinched her cheeks which made her cry a little. Zapp panicked and gave her to Hade. Hade was trying to comfort her by swinging her high in the air. She always like it when I did that to her.

Hade turns to Felix, "You want to hold her man?"

Felix shook his head but Hade gave her anyway. Fant looked at Felix. Suddenly cupping his face in her little hand a little hard. Felix was taken back by her action but she just smiled innocently at him.

Felix chuckled, "I'll get you for that when you're older. Fantasia..."


"You alright?"

I turned around and saw Felix standing with his club on his shoulder. He walked closer and sat next to me.

I shrugged, "Yeah... Is it time for me to get back?"

"Yes, but I think Pan will be okay if we're late for a few minutes. Time stands still here anyways."

I took a deep breath and shutted my eyes. "Felix... is Andrea alright?"

"Yeah she is..."

"Did Peter really take it easy on her?"

"Yes... he totally did. You know him. He will listens to you." He said, "That's odd, you rarely question Pan. What is it?"

I sighed, "Andrea seems too tired and she snapped at me. Saying that I never experienced what it feels like. She was right you know. Peter never made me do any of that stuff. So I never knew what it feels like."

"Don't let her words get to you," he said calmly, "And since when do the badass Fantasia ever let anyone get to her."

"You guys are boys. You guys never have a clue of what you're saying."

"Hey!" Felix snapped at me but then laughed with me.

I turned serious once more, "Different with Andrea. She's a girl. We always meant each of our words. And due to the fact I haven't had a girl talked to me like that before."

Felix looked at me suspiciously.

"Oh My God," I said. Knowing what's in his mind, "I'm not in to her. I'm just surprise that she had the guts to yell at me. Nobody does! Well except Peter."

"Just checking," he said, "I'm afraid because you're with us for so long with no girlfriend you started to feel like us."

"Ew... gross," I said. "Come on let's get back. This conversation is starting to gross me out."

I got up and started walking towards camp.

Felix chuckled, "I'm joking princess."

I just laughed at that. He catched up with me.

"Fant I meant what I said," Felix said seriously, "Don't let her get to you. She doesn't know you like we do. She doesn't have a clue to what you've been through. There's a reason Pan never go hard on you. Because he thinks that you've had enough hard times in your life. Okay?"

I nodded, "Thanks Felix. Means alot."

"You know I'm always here for you right?"

I nodded once more.

It's your author heree!!
Sorry haven't update in a while. I'll always gonna be honest with you guys so youcan trust me.
The reason why I'm gone for so long is that:
I literally don't know what to do anymore. My head is filled with ideas that it's hard to focus. I mean I'm bored but I just can't seem to write. Many ideas in my head but no words came out. I want to make videos, but I'm thinking too hard of what's gonna come after it (The hate comments, the teasing, etc). I want to have a business but I have too many questions about it.
Do you know how that feel? If you do... please back me up here. Because I can't quite put it to words.
Long story short is that I've got too many thoughts in my head that everything just suddenly goes blank.
So I hope you understand and will still be waiting for me... because I promise I'll end this story guyz... Sorry for the sentimental stuff
Luv u💙

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