CHAPTER 4: I Promise I Won't

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A week has gone by and I don't know what I can do. I don't want her to leave however, I need to find out who she is and why the hell she is so scared of me. Has she just gotten out of a bad relationship? Has she grown up in a broken home?

I have been keeping her in her room locked up but is fed everyday and I have bought many things that I think a woman would like. I just want her to stay here and unfortunately, I have to lock the door cause she always tries to escape. However, I don't want to put her in the cells down in the basement like she's some kind of an enemy or something. So even though it may sound and look bad that she's locked in her room, I do need to make sure she's comfortable while I figure all of this out.

My Beta and best friend, Wes, told me I should give her some time and that he would try and figure some stuff out. Which I was okay with but then not okay with at the same time because I thought that I should be the one to try and convince her that I would never hurt her but he said that since she's been reacting the way she has been when she see's me, it would be better if he'd talk to her.

On the other hand, that would actually work out because this way I could take that time in finishing up closing treaties with a few packs that I've been trying to close deals with for a few months now. That'll at least take me a few days. Hopefully by then he would have been able to find out what's going on.

~A Week Later~

It's been another week since I left to close the deals with other packs and am now on my way back home. It might sound weird and crazy but I've missed her. I just hope that Wes was able to convince her that I would never harm her and that we're mates.

So I took in a deep breath and let it out right as I walked into the house. I start closing the door behind me quietly. I then notice that the TV is on in the entertainment room watching something. Thinking it might be Wes, I walk in.

"Hey man, did you..." I stopped myself as soon as I noticed it wasn't him, it was the girl. I smiled big and was happy that I saw her here instead of Wes. But now I'm not sure if rather or not I should tell her it's me and risk her getting up and running away or....I stop as I notice her mute the TV and turn around to see me.

"Hi." She says calmly.

"Hi." I smirk. "May I sit down?" I ask hesitantly.

"Yeah." She replies while facing back at the screen.

I walk over slowly and sit in the recliner that's beside the empty one to her right and we begin sharing a moment of awkward silence.

"So, I just want to say that first off...." I started but she quickly stopped me.

"Wait." She says while holding up her hand. "Please let me start." She begins. "I'm really sorry that I acted the way that I did around you. You look a lot like my ex, who I ran away from the same day your men brought me here. When I saw your face all these bad memories and emotions came rushing back and I didn't know. Not until Wes told me the other day."

I feel relieved to hear her say that. It may not be 'I'm so glad that you're my mate' but, it's a start that I'm willing to take.

"You have no idea how happy that makes me to hear you say that. I was worried and have been trying to make you as comfortable as possible and to show you that I would never hurt you." I assure her.

"I know and I do appreciate everything you have bought me." She says.

"I'm glad. You can always buy whatever you want. I can just give you my card." I tell her.

"Well, Wes also told me that you you and I are mates and if that's true then I need to explain something to you that I think might change your mind about wanting to be with me." She begins.

"I doubt that." I smile at her.

"I can't have children and I don't have my wolf anymore. I lost her a couple years ago after my ex-boyfriend..." She stopped for a moment to catch herself from crying. "He hurt me." She finishes.

I wanted to find this ex-boyfriend of hers and torture him while having him beg til his last breath. For now though, I'm going to just try and comfort her. So I get up and move to the recliner next to her and then reach out and take her hand in mine while I turn her head to face me.

"Well first of all, I'm not going to let anyone hurt you anymore. Second, we WILL get your wolf back and I will help you. And finally, I still want to be with you rather you can give me kids or not. Because I have known mates who never had any kids and they're just as happy." I smile at her.

She smiles a little bit bigger than I have seen her so far and as much as I wanted to kiss her, I stopped myself from doing that because I knew it would be too soon and didn't want to freak her out.

"There's also one more thing I want to tell you." She begins.

"Okay." I reply.

"I need for you to promise me that you'll never hit me out of anger or hurt me in any way. As well as be patient with me because I just, I'm still not sure about everything." She says while avoiding eye contact with me.

I lift her chin up to have her look at me.

"I promise I won't hurt you and I will wait for you. I just want a chance." I ask her.

"Okay." She nods.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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