CHAPTER 16: I Can What?

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I heard what sounded like a glass breaking that came from downstairs, so I sat up in bed and looked over to find that Everett wasn't next to me.

So I grabbed the baseball bat I had Everett put next to my side of the bed and cautiously began walking out. As soon as I opened the door, I started to walk out and as soon as I walked a little ways down the hallway to the top of the stairs. I suddenly heard movement and more things breaking and sounds of something or someone bumping into the furniture. So I continue walking down the stairs cautiously and have the bat in position and ready to swing at whatever/whoever I find.

I swallow the big lump in my throat and when I get to the bottom, I then hear a loud roar come from the kitchen and as I walk inside, I can hear what sounds like chewing.

So I turn on the light and I see sprawled in the floor a torn in half body of Everett with Eddison bent over beside him while down on his knees and quickly looks up right at me with his sharp canines showing that has blood dripping from them before he howls loudly......

"Noooooo!!!" I scream loudly as I awake and sit straight up in bed, out of breath and sweating. Oh my god, it was just a dream.

"Baby? Are you alright?" I hear Everett ask me as I also feel him start to rub my back.

"Yeah just, another nightmare." I tell him.

"What was it about?" He asks me.

I look at him and right away, I'm not able to talk and instead just wrap my arms around him and cry in his chest.

"It was of you dying. I found you in the kitchen. You were being eaten by Eddison. He tore your body apart." I cried out.

"Aww baby, shhh. It's okay. Nothing's gonna happen to me." He tries to comfort me by holding me.

"These dreams are getting worse." I tell him.

"I know. But don't worry, we're gonna go and see one of the Elders in the council tomorrow who can hopefully help us." He tells me.

I just nod and he holds me as we fall asleep again.

I'm so scared. The nightmares are becoming more and more frequent to the point where I am terrified to fall asleep. They feel so real.

When the next day came, we went to the hall and sat down with one of the Elders.

"Good morning you two, what can I do for you?" He asks us.

This man is an older man. He looks like he is in his sixties but is really three hundred years old. He has no hair and is a real tall man.

"Sir, she's been having nightmares every night and unfortunately are getting worse." Everett begins to tell him while still holding my hand.

"Really?! What kind of dreams are you having?" He asks.

I begin to explain all of them and by the time I'm finished telling him last night's dream, he has a look on his face that looks like he is shocked? Surprised? Upset?

"Sir?" I try and get his attention. 

"Sorry." He says while snapping back to the moment.

"What's wrong?" I asked scared and nervous.

"How long have you had these dreams?" He asks.

"I don't know." I shrug. "A few weeks now. Almost every night."

"And have any one of your dreams, has any of them actually come true?" He asks me.

"Um, I guess there's been a few things that happened in a few of my dreams and came true in real life." I tell him.

"Oh god." I hear Everett say under his breath. "That's impossible."

"What is?" I ask.

Both the Elder and Everett look at each other and then back at me.

"Your dreams, my dear, are a gift that our kind rarely has. Your dreams, they're premonitions." The Elder smiles.

"What?" I asked surprised and not sure I heard him right.

"They're nothing to be afraid of. You have a rare and an amazing gift." He says.

"A gift? I keep seeing people I care about and love, die or something terrible." I try not to get too upset but it's hard not to.

"Listen. I understand you're upset but, there's a way to control it. In which you will need to do soon because, it's not just your dreams that you'll see things. Even when you're awake, you may out-of-nowhere, start to see things." He explains.

This can't be true. This can't really be happening. Can I have him take the ability or what he calls a 'gift' away? I don't want this. I don't NEED this.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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